Simplify the Sway config files
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 436 additions and 443 deletions
@ -24,5 +24,5 @@
networking.hostName = "bomberman";
networking.hostName = "bomberman";
networking.wireguard.interfaces."${config.ips.wgInt}".ips = [ "${config.ips.wgSpan}.19/24" ];
networking.wireguard.interfaces.wgc.ips = [ "" ];
@ -1,31 +1,29 @@
{ pkgs, ... }:
{ pkgs, ... }:
wayland.windowManager.sway = {
wayland.windowManager.sway.config = {
config = {
bars = [ {command = "waybar";} ];
bars = [ {command = "waybar";} ];
startup = [
startup = [
# Scratchpads
# Scratchpads
{command = "foot -a gotop -T Gotop gotop";}
{command = "foot -a gotop -T Gotop gotop";}
{command = "foot -a music -T Music ncmpcpp";}
{command = "foot -a music -T Music ncmpcpp";}
{command = "foot -a sound -T Sound pulsemixer";}
{command = "foot -a sound -T Sound pulsemixer";}
{command = "easyeffects";}
{command = "easyeffects";}
# Daemons and tray apps
# Daemons and tray apps
{command = "wl-paste -t text --watch clipman store -P";}
{command = "wl-paste -t text --watch clipman store -P";}
{command = "wl-copy";}
{command = "wl-copy";}
{command = "mako";}
{command = "mako";}
{command = "sunshine";}
{command = "sunshine";}
# Polkit agent
# Polkit agent
{command = "${pkgs.mate.mate-polkit}/libexec/polkit-mate-authentication-agent-1";}
{command = "${pkgs.mate.mate-polkit}/libexec/polkit-mate-authentication-agent-1";}
# Foreground apps
# Foreground apps
{command = "librewolf -P Misc --name=MiscBrowser";}
{command = "librewolf -P Misc --name=MiscBrowser";}
{command = "vesktop";}
{command = "vesktop";}
{command = "fractal";}
{command = "fractal";}
{command = "thunderbird";}
{command = "thunderbird";}
@ -1,50 +1,53 @@
{ config, ... }:
{ config, ... }:
wayland.windowManager.sway = {
wayland.windowManager.sway.config = {
config = {
# Define monitors
# Define monitors
output = {
output = {
${config.displays.d1} = {
${config.displays.d1} = {
pos = "3840 405";
pos = "1920 405";
mode = "1920x1080@143.980Hz";
mode = "1920x1080@143.980Hz";
max_render_time = "3";
max_render_time = "3";
bg = "~/.assets/wallpapers/1.png fill";
bg = "~/.assets/wallpapers/1.png fill";
adaptive_sync = "on";
adaptive_sync = "on";
${config.displays.d2} = {
pos = "0 405";
mode = "1920x1080@60Hz";
max_render_time = "3";
bg = "~/.assets/wallpapers/2.png fill";
${config.displays.d3} = {
pos = "3840 0";
mode = "1680x1050@59.883Hz";
transform = "270";
max_render_time = "3";
bg = "~/.assets/wallpapers/3.png fill";
"*" = {
bg = "~/.assets/wallpapers/1.png fill";
${config.displays.d2} = {
pos = "1920 405";
mode = "1920x1080@60Hz";
max_render_time = "3";
bg = "~/.assets/wallpapers/2.png fill";
${config.displays.d3} = {
pos = "5760 0";
mode = "1680x1050@59.883Hz";
transform = "270";
max_render_time = "3";
bg = "~/.assets/wallpapers/3.png fill";
${config.displays.d4} = {
pos = "0 405";
mode = "1920x1080@60Hz";
max_render_time = "3";
"*" = {
bg = "~/.assets/wallpapers/1.png fill";
# HID device config
# HID device config
input = {
input = {
"9610:4103:SINOWEALTH_Game_Mouse" = {
"9610:4103:SINOWEALTH_Game_Mouse" = {
pointer_accel = "-0.9";
pointer_accel = "-0.9";
"9639:64097:Compx_2.4G_Receiver_Mouse" = {
"9639:64097:Compx_2.4G_Receiver_Mouse" = {
pointer_accel = "-0.82";
pointer_accel = "-0.82";
"1452:627:bcm5974" = {
"1452:627:bcm5974" = {
scroll_factor = "0.3";
scroll_factor = "0.3";
"*" = {
"*" = {
accel_profile = "flat";
accel_profile = "flat";
dwt = "disabled";
dwt = "disabled";
natural_scroll = "disabled";
natural_scroll = "disabled";
@ -1,228 +1,226 @@
{ pkgs, config, ... }:
{ pkgs, config, ... }:
wayland.windowManager.sway = {
wayland.windowManager.sway.config = let
config = let
# Set default modifier and variables
# Set default modifier and variables
primeMod = "Mod4";
primeMod = "Mod4";
secMod = "Mod1";
secMod = "Mod1";
resizeAmount = "55";
resizeAmount = "55";
sendNotif = "notify-send --expire-time=1500";
sendNotif = "notify-send --expire-time=1500";
in {
# Hotkeys
modifier = "${primeMod}";
keybindings = let
# Define scripts specific to Sway
pinWindow = pkgs.writeScript "pin-window" ''
# Get the current border style of the focused window
current_style=$(swaymsg -t get_tree | jq -r '.. | select(.focused?).border')
# Toggle between "normal" (default) and "pixel ${config.look.border.string}" border styles
if [ "$current_style" == "none" ]; then
swaymsg "sticky disable, border pixel ${config.look.border.string}"
swaymsg "sticky enable, border none"
# Kill a window or probe it for info
swayTools = pkgs.writeScript "swaytools" ''
# List the app name and whether or not it uses wayland
swayprop() {
selected_window=$(swaymsg -t get_tree | jq -r '.. | select(.pid? and .visible?) | "\(.rect.x),\(.rect.y) \(.rect.width)x\(.rect.height)"' | slurp -r -c ${} -B 00000066 -b 00000000)
if [ -n "$selected_window" ]; then
app_id=$(swaymsg -t get_tree | jq -r '.. | select(.pid? and .visible?) | select("\(.rect.x),\(.rect.y) \(.rect.width)x\(.rect.height)" == "'"$selected_window"'") | .app_id')
system=$(sed 's/xdg_shell/Wayland/g; s/xwayland/Xorg/g' < <(swaymsg -t get_tree | jq -r '.. | select(.pid? and .visible?) | select("\(.rect.x),\(.rect.y) \(.rect.width)x\(.rect.height)" == "'"$selected_window"'") | .shell'))
notify-send "$(echo -e "Window's app_id: $app_id\nWindow System: $system")"
# Kill a selected window
swaykill() {
selected_window=$(swaymsg -t get_tree | jq -r '.. | select(.pid? and .visible?) | "\(.rect.x),\(.rect.y) \(.rect.width)x\(.rect.height)"' | slurp -r -c ${} -B 00000066 -b 00000000)
if [ -n "$selected_window" ]; then
pid=$(swaymsg -t get_tree | jq -r '.. | select(.pid? and .visible?) | select("\(.rect.x),\(.rect.y) \(.rect.width)x\(.rect.height)" == "'"$selected_window"'") | .pid')
kill -9 "$pid"
# Handle which tool we use
if [ "$1" == "--prop" ]; then
elif [ "$1" == "--kill" ]; then
in {
in {
# Hotkeys
## Launcher keys
modifier = "${primeMod}";
keybindings = let
# Define scripts specific to Sway
pinWindow = pkgs.writeScript "pin-window" ''
# Get the current border style of the focused window
current_style=$(swaymsg -t get_tree | jq -r '.. | select(.focused?).border')
# Toggle between "normal" (default) and "pixel ${config.look.border.string}" border styles
# LibreWolf profiles
if [ "$current_style" == "none" ]; then
"${primeMod}+F1" = ''exec librewolf -P Main --name=MainBrowser | ${sendNotif} "Main Browser"'';
swaymsg "sticky disable, border pixel ${config.look.border.string}"
"${primeMod}+F2" = ''exec librewolf -P Alt --name=AltBrowser | ${sendNotif} "Alternate Browser"'';
"${primeMod}+F3" = ''exec librewolf -P Misc --name=MiscBrowser | ${sendNotif} "Miscellaneous Browser"'';
swaymsg "sticky enable, border none"
# Kill a window or probe it for info
# Virtual Machines
swayTools = pkgs.writeScript "swaytools" ''
"${primeMod}+F4" = ''exec virt-manager | ${sendNotif} "Virtual Machines"'';
# List the app name and whether or not it uses wayland
"${primeMod}+F5" = ''exec looking-glass-client input:rawMouse=yes | ${sendNotif} "Looking Glass"'';
swayprop() {
selected_window=$(swaymsg -t get_tree | jq -r '.. | select(.pid? and .visible?) | "\(.rect.x),\(.rect.y) \(.rect.width)x\(.rect.height)"' | slurp -r -c ${} -B 00000066 -b 00000000)
if [ -n "$selected_window" ]; then
app_id=$(swaymsg -t get_tree | jq -r '.. | select(.pid? and .visible?) | select("\(.rect.x),\(.rect.y) \(.rect.width)x\(.rect.height)" == "'"$selected_window"'") | .app_id')
system=$(sed 's/xdg_shell/Wayland/g; s/xwayland/Xorg/g' < <(swaymsg -t get_tree | jq -r '.. | select(.pid? and .visible?) | select("\(.rect.x),\(.rect.y) \(.rect.width)x\(.rect.height)" == "'"$selected_window"'") | .shell'))
notify-send "$(echo -e "Window's app_id: $app_id\nWindow System: $system")"
# Kill a selected window
# BeMenu scripts
swaykill() {
"${primeMod}+${secMod}+s" = ''exec rofiscripts --scratchpads'';
selected_window=$(swaymsg -t get_tree | jq -r '.. | select(.pid? and .visible?) | "\(.rect.x),\(.rect.y) \(.rect.width)x\(.rect.height)"' | slurp -r -c ${} -B 00000066 -b 00000000)
"${primeMod}+${secMod}+r" = ''exec rofiscripts --resolutions'';
if [ -n "$selected_window" ]; then
pid=$(swaymsg -t get_tree | jq -r '.. | select(.pid? and .visible?) | select("\(.rect.x),\(.rect.y) \(.rect.width)x\(.rect.height)" == "'"$selected_window"'") | .pid')
kill -9 "$pid"
# Handle which tool we use
# Mod + Key
if [ "$1" == "--prop" ]; then
"${primeMod}+s" = ''exec rofi -show run -p Command'';
"${primeMod}+c" = ''exec clipman pick -t rofi'';
elif [ "$1" == "--kill" ]; then
"${primeMod}+x" = ''exec rofiscripts --power'';
"${primeMod}+b" = ''exec pkill -USR1 waybar'';
"${primeMod}+Return" = ''exec foot'';
"${primeMod}+Escape" = ''exec ${swayTools} --kill'';
in {
"${primeMod}+Delete" = ''exec foot ranger /etc/nixos | ${sendNotif} "Nix Config"'';
## Launcher keys
# LibreWolf profiles
# Mod + shift + key
"${primeMod}+F1" = ''exec librewolf -P Main --name=MainBrowser | ${sendNotif} "Main Browser"'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+t" = ''exec pcmanfm-qt'';
"${primeMod}+F2" = ''exec librewolf -P Alt --name=AltBrowser | ${sendNotif} "Alternate Browser"'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+e" = ''exec BEMOJI_PICKER_CMD="rofi -dmenu -i -p Emoji" bemoji -n -P 0'';
"${primeMod}+F3" = ''exec librewolf -P Misc --name=MiscBrowser | ${sendNotif} "Miscellaneous Browser"'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+s" = ''exec rofi -show drun -modi drun -drun-display-format {name} -show-icons -disable-history'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+b" = ''exec rofi-bluetooth'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+Return" = ''exec foot ranger'';
# Virtual Machines
# Mod + ctrl + key
"${primeMod}+F4" = ''exec virt-manager | ${sendNotif} "Virtual Machines"'';
"${primeMod}+Ctrl+x" = ''exec ${swayTools} --prop'';
"${primeMod}+F5" = ''exec looking-glass-client input:rawMouse=yes | ${sendNotif} "Looking Glass"'';
"${primeMod}+Ctrl+c" = ''exec ${pkgs.hyprpicker}/bin/hyprpicker -an && ${sendNotif} "Color copied to clipboard"'';
"${primeMod}+Ctrl+Prior" = ''exec ${pkgs.obs-cmd}/bin/obs-cmd scene switch "Main"'';
"${primeMod}+Ctrl+Next" = ''exec ${pkgs.obs-cmd}/bin/obs-cmd scene switch "Guest"'';
# BeMenu scripts
## Media keys
"${primeMod}+${secMod}+s" = ''exec rofiscripts --scratchpads'';
"${primeMod}+${secMod}+r" = ''exec rofiscripts --resolutions'';
# Mod + Key
# Volume control
"${primeMod}+s" = ''exec rofi -show run -p Command'';
"${secMod}+j" = ''exec wpctl set-volume @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@ 5%-'';
"${primeMod}+c" = ''exec clipman pick -t rofi'';
"${secMod}+k" = ''exec wpctl set-volume @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@ 5%+'';
"${primeMod}+x" = ''exec rofiscripts --power'';
"${primeMod}+b" = ''exec pkill -USR1 waybar'';
"${primeMod}+Return" = ''exec foot'';
"${primeMod}+Escape" = ''exec ${swayTools} --kill'';
"${primeMod}+Delete" = ''exec foot ranger /etc/nixos | ${sendNotif} "Nix Config"'';
# Mod + shift + key
# MPD Controls
"${primeMod}+Shift+t" = ''exec pcmanfm-qt'';
"${primeMod}+Backslash" = ''exec mpc toggle'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+e" = ''exec BEMOJI_PICKER_CMD="rofi -dmenu -i -p Emoji" bemoji -n -P 0'';
"${secMod}+Shift+h" = ''exec mpc prev'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+s" = ''exec rofi -show drun -modi drun -drun-display-format {name} -show-icons -disable-history'';
"${secMod}+Shift+j" = ''exec mpc volume -3'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+b" = ''exec rofi-bluetooth'';
"${secMod}+Shift+k" = ''exec mpc volume +3'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+Return" = ''exec foot ranger'';
"${secMod}+Shift+l" = ''exec mpc next'';
# Mod + ctrl + key
## Notification keys
"${primeMod}+Ctrl+x" = ''exec ${swayTools} --prop'';
"${primeMod}+Ctrl+c" = ''exec ${pkgs.hyprpicker}/bin/hyprpicker -an && ${sendNotif} "Color copied to clipboard"'';
"${primeMod}+Ctrl+Prior" = ''exec ${pkgs.obs-cmd}/bin/obs-cmd scene switch "Main"'';
"${primeMod}+Ctrl+Next" = ''exec ${pkgs.obs-cmd}/bin/obs-cmd scene switch "Guest"'';
## Media keys
# Toggle mako
"${primeMod}+n" = ''exec makotoggle'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+n" = ''exec makoctl restore'';
"${primeMod}+Ctrl+n" = ''exec makoctl dismiss -a'';
# Volume control
## Miscellaneous keys
"${secMod}+j" = ''exec wpctl set-volume @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@ 5%-'';
"${secMod}+k" = ''exec wpctl set-volume @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@ 5%+'';
# MPD Controls
# Screenshots
"${primeMod}+Backslash" = ''exec mpc toggle'';
"${secMod}+f" = ''exec swayshot --swappy'';
"${secMod}+Shift+h" = ''exec mpc prev'';
"${secMod}+Shift+f" = ''exec swayshot --screen'';
"${secMod}+Shift+j" = ''exec mpc volume -3'';
"${secMod}+Shift+k" = ''exec mpc volume +3'';
"${secMod}+Shift+l" = ''exec mpc next'';
## Notification keys
"${primeMod}+${secMod}+Return" = ''exec foot ssh ${config.ips.server}'';
# Toggle mako
# Display Brightness and Keyboard Brightness
"${primeMod}+n" = ''exec makotoggle'';
"${primeMod}+equal" = ''exec light -A 5'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+n" = ''exec makoctl restore'';
"${primeMod}+minus" = ''exec light -U 5'';
"${primeMod}+Ctrl+n" = ''exec makoctl dismiss -a'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+equal" = ''exec light -A 1'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+minus" = ''exec light -U 1'';
"XF86KbdBrightnessUp" = ''exec light -s sysfs/leds/smc::kbd_backlight -A 5'';
"XF86KbdBrightnessDown" = ''exec light -s sysfs/leds/smc::kbd_backlight -U 5'';
## Miscellaneous keys
## Window manager keys
"${primeMod}+q" = ''kill'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+r" = ''reload'';
# Screenshots
# Switch to workspaces
"${secMod}+f" = ''exec swayshot --swappy'';
"${primeMod}+grave" = ''workspace ${}'';
"${secMod}+Shift+f" = ''exec swayshot --screen'';
"${primeMod}+1" = ''workspace ${}'';
"${primeMod}+2" = ''workspace ${}'';
"${primeMod}+3" = ''workspace ${}'';
"${primeMod}+4" = ''workspace ${}'';
"${primeMod}+5" = ''workspace ${}'';
"${primeMod}+6" = ''workspace ${}'';
"${primeMod}+7" = ''workspace ${}'';
"${primeMod}+8" = ''workspace ${}'';
"${primeMod}+9" = ''workspace ${}'';
# Switch to alternate workspaces
"${primeMod}+${secMod}+Return" = ''exec foot ssh ${config.ips.server}'';
"${secMod}+F1" = ''workspace ${}'';
"${secMod}+F2" = ''workspace ${}'';
"${secMod}+F3" = ''workspace ${}'';
"${secMod}+F4" = ''workspace ${}'';
"${secMod}+F5" = ''workspace ${}'';
"${secMod}+F6" = ''workspace ${}'';
"${secMod}+F7" = ''workspace ${}'';
"${secMod}+F8" = ''workspace ${}'';
"${secMod}+F9" = ''workspace ${}'';
# Display Brightness and Keyboard Brightness
# Move window to and focus new workspace
"${primeMod}+equal" = ''exec light -A 5'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+grave" = ''move container to workspace ${}; workspace ${}'';
"${primeMod}+minus" = ''exec light -U 5'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+1" = ''move container to workspace ${}; workspace ${}'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+equal" = ''exec light -A 1'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+2" = ''move container to workspace ${}; workspace ${}'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+minus" = ''exec light -U 1'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+3" = ''move container to workspace ${}; workspace ${}'';
"XF86KbdBrightnessUp" = ''exec light -s sysfs/leds/smc::kbd_backlight -A 5'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+4" = ''move container to workspace ${}; workspace ${}'';
"XF86KbdBrightnessDown" = ''exec light -s sysfs/leds/smc::kbd_backlight -U 5'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+5" = ''move container to workspace ${}; workspace ${}'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+6" = ''move container to workspace ${}; workspace ${}'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+7" = ''move container to workspace ${}; workspace ${}'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+8" = ''move container to workspace ${}; workspace ${}'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+9" = ''move container to workspace ${}; workspace ${}'';
## Window manager keys
# Move window to and focus new alternate workspace
"${primeMod}+q" = ''kill'';
"${secMod}+Shift+F1" = ''move container to workspace ${}; workspace ${}'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+r" = ''reload'';
"${secMod}+Shift+F2" = ''move container to workspace ${}; workspace ${}'';
"${secMod}+Shift+F3" = ''move container to workspace ${}; workspace ${}'';
"${secMod}+Shift+F4" = ''move container to workspace ${}; workspace ${}'';
"${secMod}+Shift+F5" = ''move container to workspace ${}; workspace ${}'';
"${secMod}+Shift+F6" = ''move container to workspace ${}; workspace ${}'';
"${secMod}+Shift+F7" = ''move container to workspace ${}; workspace ${}'';
"${secMod}+Shift+F8" = ''move container to workspace ${}; workspace ${}'';
"${secMod}+Shift+F9" = ''move container to workspace ${}; workspace ${}'';
# Switch to workspaces
# Change focus across windows
"${primeMod}+grave" = ''workspace ${}'';
"${primeMod}+h" = ''focus left'';
"${primeMod}+1" = ''workspace ${}'';
"${primeMod}+j" = ''focus down'';
"${primeMod}+2" = ''workspace ${}'';
"${primeMod}+k" = ''focus up'';
"${primeMod}+3" = ''workspace ${}'';
"${primeMod}+l" = ''focus right'';
"${primeMod}+4" = ''workspace ${}'';
"${primeMod}+5" = ''workspace ${}'';
"${primeMod}+6" = ''workspace ${}'';
"${primeMod}+7" = ''workspace ${}'';
"${primeMod}+8" = ''workspace ${}'';
"${primeMod}+9" = ''workspace ${}'';
# Switch to alternate workspaces
# Resize windows
"${secMod}+F1" = ''workspace ${}'';
"${primeMod}+${secMod}+h" = ''resize shrink width ${resizeAmount} px or 5 ppt'';
"${secMod}+F2" = ''workspace ${}'';
"${primeMod}+${secMod}+j" = ''resize shrink height ${resizeAmount} px or 5 ppt'';
"${secMod}+F3" = ''workspace ${}'';
"${primeMod}+${secMod}+k" = ''resize grow height ${resizeAmount} px or 5 ppt'';
"${secMod}+F4" = ''workspace ${}'';
"${primeMod}+${secMod}+l" = ''resize grow width ${resizeAmount} px or 5 ppt'';
"${secMod}+F5" = ''workspace ${}'';
"${secMod}+F6" = ''workspace ${}'';
"${secMod}+F7" = ''workspace ${}'';
"${secMod}+F8" = ''workspace ${}'';
"${secMod}+F9" = ''workspace ${}'';
# Move window to and focus new workspace
# Move focused window
"${primeMod}+Shift+grave" = ''move container to workspace ${}; workspace ${}'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+h" = ''move left ${resizeAmount} px'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+1" = ''move container to workspace ${}; workspace ${}'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+j" = ''move down ${resizeAmount} px'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+2" = ''move container to workspace ${}; workspace ${}'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+k" = ''move up ${resizeAmount} px'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+3" = ''move container to workspace ${}; workspace ${}'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+l" = ''move right ${resizeAmount} px'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+4" = ''move container to workspace ${}; workspace ${}'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+5" = ''move container to workspace ${}; workspace ${}'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+6" = ''move container to workspace ${}; workspace ${}'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+7" = ''move container to workspace ${}; workspace ${}'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+8" = ''move container to workspace ${}; workspace ${}'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+9" = ''move container to workspace ${}; workspace ${}'';
# Move window to and focus new alternate workspace
# Change focus between floating/tiled, toggle floating
"${secMod}+Shift+F1" = ''move container to workspace ${}; workspace ${}'';
"${primeMod}+space" = ''focus mode_toggle'';
"${secMod}+Shift+F2" = ''move container to workspace ${}; workspace ${}'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+space" = ''floating toggle'';
"${secMod}+Shift+F3" = ''move container to workspace ${}; workspace ${}'';
"${secMod}+Shift+F4" = ''move container to workspace ${}; workspace ${}'';
"${secMod}+Shift+F5" = ''move container to workspace ${}; workspace ${}'';
"${secMod}+Shift+F6" = ''move container to workspace ${}; workspace ${}'';
"${secMod}+Shift+F7" = ''move container to workspace ${}; workspace ${}'';
"${secMod}+Shift+F8" = ''move container to workspace ${}; workspace ${}'';
"${secMod}+Shift+F9" = ''move container to workspace ${}; workspace ${}'';
# Change focus across windows
# Allow a window to be visible on all workspaces, toggle border
"${primeMod}+h" = ''focus left'';
"${primeMod}+0" = ''exec ${pinWindow}'';
"${primeMod}+j" = ''focus down'';
"${primeMod}+k" = ''focus up'';
"${primeMod}+l" = ''focus right'';
# Resize windows
# Toggle fullscreen
"${primeMod}+${secMod}+h" = ''resize shrink width ${resizeAmount} px or 5 ppt'';
"${primeMod}+f" = ''fullscreen toggle'';
"${primeMod}+${secMod}+j" = ''resize shrink height ${resizeAmount} px or 5 ppt'';
"${primeMod}+${secMod}+Ctrl+f" = ''fullscreen toggle global'';
"${primeMod}+${secMod}+k" = ''resize grow height ${resizeAmount} px or 5 ppt'';
"${primeMod}+${secMod}+l" = ''resize grow width ${resizeAmount} px or 5 ppt'';
# Move focused window
# Change container layout
"${primeMod}+Shift+h" = ''move left ${resizeAmount} px'';
"${primeMod}+w" = ''layout toggle split'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+j" = ''move down ${resizeAmount} px'';
"${primeMod}+e" = ''layout toggle tabbed stacking'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+k" = ''move up ${resizeAmount} px'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+l" = ''move right ${resizeAmount} px'';
# Change focus between floating/tiled, toggle floating
# Change split direction
"${primeMod}+space" = ''focus mode_toggle'';
"${primeMod}+v" = ''split v'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+space" = ''floating toggle'';
# Allow a window to be visible on all workspaces, toggle border
# Focus parent / child
"${primeMod}+0" = ''exec ${pinWindow}'';
"${primeMod}+a" = ''focus parent'';
"${primeMod}+shift+a" = ''focus child'';
# Toggle fullscreen
# Scratchpads
"${primeMod}+f" = ''fullscreen toggle'';
"Shift+Ctrl+Backslash" = ''[app_id="gotop"] scratchpad show, move position center, resize set 1216 888'';
"${primeMod}+${secMod}+Ctrl+f" = ''fullscreen toggle global'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+m" = ''[app_id="music"] scratchpad show, move position center, resize set 1006 657'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+v" = ''[app_id="sound"] scratchpad show, move position center, resize set 1000 800'';
# Change container layout
"${primeMod}+Shift+Backslash" = ''[app_id="com.github.wwmm.easyeffects"] scratchpad show, move position center, resize set 1000 800'';
"${primeMod}+w" = ''layout toggle split'';
"${primeMod}+e" = ''layout toggle tabbed stacking'';
# Change split direction
"${primeMod}+v" = ''split v'';
# Focus parent / child
"${primeMod}+a" = ''focus parent'';
"${primeMod}+shift+a" = ''focus child'';
# Scratchpads
"Shift+Ctrl+Backslash" = ''[app_id="gotop"] scratchpad show, move position center, resize set 1216 888'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+m" = ''[app_id="music"] scratchpad show, move position center, resize set 1006 657'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+v" = ''[app_id="sound"] scratchpad show, move position center, resize set 1000 800'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+Backslash" = ''[app_id="com.github.wwmm.easyeffects"] scratchpad show, move position center, resize set 1000 800'';
@ -1,141 +1,139 @@
{ config, ... }:
{ config, ... }:
wayland.windowManager.sway = {
wayland.windowManager.sway.config = {
config = {
# Assign workspaces to config
# Assign workspaces to config
workspaceOutputAssign = let
workspaceOutputAssign = let
workspaces1 = [
workspaces1 = [
workspaces2 = [
workspaces2 = [
workspaces3 = [
workspaces3 = [
assign = output: workspaces:
assign = output: workspaces:
map (workspace: {
map (workspace: {
inherit workspace;
inherit workspace;
inherit output;
inherit output;
(assign "${config.displays.d1}" workspaces1) ++
(assign "${config.displays.d1}" workspaces1) ++
(assign "${config.displays.d2}" workspaces2) ++
(assign "${config.displays.d2}" workspaces2) ++
(assign "${config.displays.d3}" workspaces3);
(assign "${config.displays.d3}" workspaces3);
# Rules
# Rules
defaultWorkspace =;
defaultWorkspace =;
window = {
window = {
border =;
border =;
titlebar = false;
titlebar = false;
commands = [
commands = [
# Scratchpads
# Scratchpads
criteria = { con_mark = "scratchpad"; };
criteria = { con_mark = "scratchpad"; };
command = ''floating enable, sticky enable, move scratchpad, mark borderless'';
command = ''floating enable, sticky enable, move scratchpad, mark borderless'';
criteria = { app_id = "gotop"; };
criteria = { app_id = "gotop"; };
command = ''mark scratchpad'';
command = ''mark scratchpad'';
criteria = { app_id = "music"; };
criteria = { app_id = "music"; };
command = ''mark scratchpad'';
command = ''mark scratchpad'';
criteria = { app_id = "sound"; };
criteria = { app_id = "sound"; };
command = ''mark scratchpad'';
command = ''mark scratchpad'';
criteria = { app_id = "com.github.wwmm.easyeffects"; };
criteria = { app_id = "com.github.wwmm.easyeffects"; };
command = ''mark scratchpad, opacity 0.9'';
command = ''mark scratchpad, opacity 0.9'';
# Create a "Scratchpad" for apps I don't want to be seen when launched
# Create a "Scratchpad" for apps I don't want to be seen when launched
criteria = { con_mark = "hiddenaway"; };
criteria = { con_mark = "hiddenaway"; };
command = ''move scratchpad'';
command = ''move scratchpad'';
# Give apps that don't have them borders
# Give apps that don't have them borders
criteria = { con_mark = "borderless"; };
criteria = { con_mark = "borderless"; };
command = ''border pixel ${config.look.border.string}'';
command = ''border pixel ${config.look.border.string}'';
criteria = { app_id = "com.github.wwmm.easyeffects"; };
criteria = { app_id = "com.github.wwmm.easyeffects"; };
command = ''mark borderless'';
command = ''mark borderless'';
criteria = { class = "steam"; };
criteria = { class = "steam"; };
command = ''mark borderless'';
command = ''mark borderless'';
criteria = { app_id = "swappy"; };
criteria = { app_id = "swappy"; };
command = ''mark borderless'';
command = ''mark borderless'';
criteria = { app_id = "virt-manager"; };
criteria = { app_id = "virt-manager"; };
command = ''mark borderless'';
command = ''mark borderless'';
criteria = { window_role = "pop-up"; };
criteria = { window_role = "pop-up"; };
command = ''mark borderless'';
command = ''mark borderless'';
# Floating or fullscreen rules
# Floating or fullscreen rules
criteria = { app_id = "float"; };
criteria = { app_id = "float"; };
command = ''floating enable'';
command = ''floating enable'';
criteria = { title = "^GlobalShot"; };
criteria = { title = "^GlobalShot"; };
command = ''floating enable, fullscreen enable global'';
command = ''floating enable, fullscreen enable global'';
assigns = {
# Broconfig.wsers
"${}" = [{ app_id = "MainBrowser"; }];
"${}" = [{ app_id = "AltBrowser"; }];
# Communication
"${}" = [{ class = "zoom"; }];
"${}" = [
{ app_id = "MiscBrowser"; }
{ app_id = "vesktop"; }
{ class = "vesktop"; }
"${}" = [{ app_id = "org.gnome.Fractal"; }];
"${}" = [{ app_id = "thunderbird"; }];
# Etc
"${}" = [
{ class = "steam"; }
{app_id = "heroic";}
"${}" = [{ app_id = "looking-glass-client"; }];
"${}" = [{ app_id = "com.obsproject.Studio"; }];
focus.newWindow = "focus";
assigns = {
# Broconfig.wsers
"${}" = [{ app_id = "MainBrowser"; }];
"${}" = [{ app_id = "AltBrowser"; }];
# Communication
"${}" = [{ class = "zoom"; }];
"${}" = [
{ app_id = "MiscBrowser"; }
{ app_id = "vesktop"; }
{ class = "vesktop"; }
"${}" = [{ app_id = "org.gnome.Fractal"; }];
"${}" = [{ app_id = "thunderbird"; }];
# Etc
"${}" = [
{ class = "steam"; }
{app_id = "heroic";}
"${}" = [{ app_id = "looking-glass-client"; }];
"${}" = [{ app_id = "com.obsproject.Studio"; }];
focus.newWindow = "focus";
@ -1,45 +1,43 @@
{ config, ... }:
{ config, ... }:
wayland.windowManager.sway = {
wayland.windowManager.sway.config = {
config = {
colors = {
colors = {
focused = {
focused = {
border = "#${}";
border = "#${}";
background = "#${}";
background = "#${}";
text = "#FFFFFF";
text = "#FFFFFF";
indicator = "#${config.look.colors.actSplit}";
indicator = "#${config.look.colors.actSplit}";
childBorder = "#${}";
childBorder = "#${}";
focusedInactive = {
border = "#${config.look.colors.accent}";
background = "#${config.look.colors.accent}";
text = "#${config.look.colors.text}";
indicator = "#${config.look.colors.split}";
childBorder = "#${config.look.colors.accent}";
unfocused = {
border = "#${config.look.colors.dark}";
background = "#${config.look.colors.dark}";
text = "#${config.look.colors.text}";
indicator = "#${config.look.colors.split}";
childBorder = "#${config.look.colors.split}";
urgent = {
border = "#${config.look.colors.urgent}";
background = "#${config.look.colors.urgent}";
text = "#${config.look.colors.text}";
indicator = "#${config.look.colors.urgent}";
childBorder = "#${config.look.colors.urgent}";
fonts = {
focusedInactive = {
names = ["${config.look.fonts.main}"];
border = "#${config.look.colors.accent}";
size = 10.5;
background = "#${config.look.colors.accent}";
text = "#${config.look.colors.text}";
indicator = "#${config.look.colors.split}";
childBorder = "#${config.look.colors.accent}";
gaps = {
unfocused = {
inner = 5;
border = "#${config.look.colors.dark}";
smartGaps = true;
background = "#${config.look.colors.dark}";
text = "#${config.look.colors.text}";
indicator = "#${config.look.colors.split}";
childBorder = "#${config.look.colors.split}";
urgent = {
border = "#${config.look.colors.urgent}";
background = "#${config.look.colors.urgent}";
text = "#${config.look.colors.text}";
indicator = "#${config.look.colors.urgent}";
childBorder = "#${config.look.colors.urgent}";
fonts = {
names = ["${config.look.fonts.main}"];
size = 10.5;
gaps = {
inner = 5;
smartGaps = true;
@ -16,10 +16,10 @@
allowPing = false;
allowPing = false;
extraInputRules = ''
extraInputRules = ''
${lib.optionalString (!config.system.firewall.server.enable) ''
${lib.optionalString (!config.system.firewall.server.enable) ''
ip saddr { ${config.ips.server}, ${config.ips.wgSpan}.1 } accept comment "Accept Server"
ip saddr { ${config.ips.server}, } accept comment "Accept Server"
${lib.optionalString config.system.firewall.server.enable ''
${lib.optionalString config.system.firewall.server.enable ''
ip saddr { ${config.ips.localSpan}.0/24, ${config.ips.wgSpan}.0/24 } tcp dport 2049 accept comment "Accept NFS"
ip saddr { ${config.ips.localSpan}.0/24, } tcp dport 2049 accept comment "Accept NFS"
ip saddr { ${config.ips.pc}, ${config.secrets.lunaIP}, ${config.secrets.cornIP} } tcp dport { 1935, 1945 } accept comment "Accept RTMP"
ip saddr { ${config.ips.pc}, ${config.secrets.lunaIP}, ${config.secrets.cornIP} } tcp dport { 1935, 1945 } accept comment "Accept RTMP"
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
type nat hook prerouting priority dstnat; policy accept;
type nat hook prerouting priority dstnat; policy accept;
tcp dport 2211 dnat to ${config.ips.pc}:22 comment "SSH to PC"
tcp dport 2211 dnat to ${config.ips.pc}:22 comment "SSH to PC"
tcp dport 2222 dnat to ${config.ips.wgSpan}.19:22 comment "SSH to Oracle VM"
tcp dport 2222 dnat to comment "SSH to Oracle VM"
udp dport { 27005, 27015, 7777 } dnat to ${config.ips.pc} comment "PC Hosted Games"
udp dport { 27005, 27015, 7777 } dnat to ${config.ips.pc} comment "PC Hosted Games"
@ -24,36 +24,36 @@
nat = {
nat = {
enable = config.system.wireguard.server.enable;
enable = config.system.wireguard.server.enable;
externalInterface = "${config.ips.netInt}";
externalInterface = "${config.ips.netInt}";
internalInterfaces = [ "${config.ips.wgInt}" ];
internalInterfaces = [ "wgs" ];
wireguard.interfaces = {
wireguard.interfaces = {
"wgc" = lib.mkIf config.system.wireguard.client.enable {
wgc = lib.mkIf config.system.wireguard.client.enable {
# Define IP of client in per device config
# Define IP of client in per device config
listenPort = 51820;
listenPort = 51820;
privateKey = config.secrets.wgClientPriv;
privateKey = config.secrets.wgClientPriv;
peers = [
peers = [
{ # NixOS Server
{ # NixOS Server
publicKey = "qnOT/lXOJMaQgDUdXpyfGZB2IEyUouRje2m/bCe9ux8=";
publicKey = "qnOT/lXOJMaQgDUdXpyfGZB2IEyUouRje2m/bCe9ux8=";
allowedIPs = [ "${config.ips.wgSpan}.0/24" ];
allowedIPs = [ "" ];
endpoint = "sv.${}:51820";
endpoint = "sv.${}:51820";
persistentKeepalive = 25;
persistentKeepalive = 25;
"wgs" = lib.mkIf config.system.wireguard.server.enable {
wgs = lib.mkIf config.system.wireguard.server.enable {
ips = [ "${config.ips.wgSpan}.1/24" ];
ips = [ "" ];
listenPort = 51820;
listenPort = 51820;
privateKey = config.secrets.wgServerPriv;
privateKey = config.secrets.wgServerPriv;
peers = [
peers = [
{ # NixOS
{ # NixOS
publicKey = "OKUH/h6YSURI4vgeTZKQD15QsqaygdbTn1mAWzQp9S0=";
publicKey = "OKUH/h6YSURI4vgeTZKQD15QsqaygdbTn1mAWzQp9S0=";
allowedIPs = [ "${config.ips.wgSpan}.16/28" ];
allowedIPs = [ "" ];
{ # Pixel 9
{ # Pixel 9
publicKey = "dPCtjm67adMZCnyL1O2L+uUOk0RbjA9T/tht1r+qcE4=";
publicKey = "dPCtjm67adMZCnyL1O2L+uUOk0RbjA9T/tht1r+qcE4=";
allowedIPs = [ "${config.ips.wgSpan}.2/32" ];
allowedIPs = [ "" ];
@ -6,9 +6,10 @@
config.displays = {
config.displays = {
d1 = "DP-3";
d1 = "DP-2";
d2 = "DP-1";
d2 = "DP-3";
d3 = "DP-2";
d3 = "DP-1";
d4 = "HDMI-A-1";
dI = "eDP-1";
dI = "eDP-1";
@ -12,8 +12,5 @@
pc = "${localSpan}.3";
pc = "${localSpan}.3";
vm = "${localSpan}.4";
vm = "${localSpan}.4";
hx = "${localSpan}.70";
hx = "${localSpan}.70";
wgInt = "wg0";
wgSpan = "10.100.0";
Add table
Reference in a new issue