  # Define domains
  jimDomain = "";

  # User account passwords, generated with 'mkpasswd -m sha-512'
  jimboAccPass = "";

  # External emails
  jimUsername = "";
  jimEmail = "";

  # SSH Keys
  jimKeys = [

  # System timezone in standard timezone identifier format
  timeZone = "";

  # Cloudflare API key
  flareApiKey = "";

  # Wireguard keys, generated with the wg command
  wgServerPriv = "";
  wgServerPub = "";
  wgClientPriv = "";
  wgClientPub = "";
  wgPixel9Pub = "";
  wgOraclePub = "";

  # Icecast, plaintext
  castAdminPass = "";
  castSourcePass = "";

  # Photoprism, plaintext
  prismAdminPass = "";

  # Matrix secrets
  matrixSecret = "";
  discordBotID = "";
  discordBotToken = "";

  # Pixelfed secret, must be 32 characters long
  pixelfedKey = ''

  # Transmission credentials, plaintext
  transmissionCredFile = ''
      "rpc-username": "",
      "rpc-password": ""

  # Email cleartext passwords
  noreplyPassword = "";

  # Email account hashes, generated with 'mkpasswd -m bcrypt'
  noreplyMailHash = "";
  jimboMailHash = "";
  lunaMailHash = "";
  freecornMailHash = "";
  tinyMailHash = "";

  # IPs
  jimIP1 = "";
  jimIP2 = "";
  lunaIP = "";
  cornIP = "";