2024-08-20 02:54:33 -04:00

2749 lines
87 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains invisible Unicode characters

This file contains invisible Unicode characters that are indistinguishable to humans but may be processed differently by a computer. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

{ config, pkgs, options, ... }:
# Global color palette
primeCol = ''3823C4''; #3823C4
accentCol = ''1B1F59''; #1B1F59
splitCol = ''555B9E''; #555B9E
actSplitCol = ''5980B7''; #5980B7
darkCol = ''101419''; #101419
midCol = ''171C23''; #171C23
lightCol = ''272b33''; #272B33
urgentCol = ''C43823''; #C43823
textCol = ''C7D3E3''; #C7D3E3
# Papirus icon theme color
folderCol = ''indigo'';
# Gtk theme
themeSettings = {
name = "Colloid-Dark";
package = pkgs.colloid-gtk-theme.override {
themeVariants = [ "default" ];
colorVariants = [ "dark" ];
sizeVariants = [ "standard" ];
tweaks = [ "black" "rimless" "normal" ];
# Git repo alias
gitRepo = '''';
# Wallpapers
wallpaper1 = pkgs.fetchurl {
url = "${gitRepo}/raw/branch/main/Extras/Wallpapers/wallpaper1.png";
sha256 = "1zxb0p0fjsmccy4xv8yk3c4kc313k3lc3xhqmiv452f7sjqqbp25";
wallpaper2 = pkgs.fetchurl {
url = "${gitRepo}/raw/branch/main/Extras/Wallpapers/wallpaper2.png";
sha256 = "13jcllrs05d26iz2isvh1f8fqf20m23sps32kw7qz5iav8nhvsx7";
wallpaper3 = pkgs.fetchurl {
url = "${gitRepo}/raw/branch/main/Extras/Wallpapers/wallpaper3.png";
sha256 = "16r65qnr7f0md4bbjnzq6av4dgmqr3avkilw72qdmyrmh3xj03yw";
lockpaper = pkgs.fetchurl {
url = "${gitRepo}/raw/branch/main/Extras/Wallpapers/lockpaper.png";
sha256 = "1mqvp4bic46gc994fawkraqj76hxd11wdd43qakligchzd20xjd5";
# Define the workspace names
w0 = ''0:0''; w1 = ''1:1''; w2 = ''2:2''; w3 = ''3:3''; w4 = ''4:4'';
w5 = ''5:5''; w6 = ''6:6''; w7 = ''7:7''; w8 = ''8:8''; w9 = ''9:9'';
w1a = ''11:I''; w2a = ''22:II''; w3a = ''33:III''; w4a = ''44:IV'';
w5a = ''55:V''; w6a = ''66:VI''; w7a = ''77:VII''; w8a = ''88:VIII''; w9a = ''99:IX'';
# Define the primary monitor
display1 = ''DP-3'';
display2 = ''DP-1'';
display3 = ''DP-2'';
displayTouch = ''eDP-1'';
# Define miscellaneous window manager properties
borderWeightInt = 3;
borderWeight = toString borderWeightInt;
# Set the font across all applications I can
mainFont = ''Ubuntu'';
nerdFont = ''UbuntuMono Nerd Font'';
# Terminal authentication
auth = ''doas'';
# Swappy config, for screenshot editing
swappyConfig = ''
# All my rofi scripts in one file
rofiScripts = pkgs.writeScriptBin "rofiscripts" ''
# Scratchpad function
handle_scratchpads() {
SCRATCHPADS=$(echo -e "Gotop\nMusic\nSound\nEasyEffects" | rofi -dmenu -i -p "Scratchpads")
Gotop) foot -a gotop -T Gotop gotop;;
Music) foot -a music -T Music ncmpcpp;;
Sound) foot -a sound -T Sound ncpamixer;;
EasyEffects) easyeffects;;
# Lock menu
handle_power() {
POWER=$(echo -e "Shutdown\nReboot\nSleep\nLock\nKill" | rofi -dmenu -i -p "Power")
case $POWER in
Shutdown) poweroff;;
Reboot) reboot;;
Sleep) swaylock --sleep &;;
Lock) swaylock &;;
Kill) pkill -9 sway;;
# Resolutions
handle_resolutions() {
RET=$(echo -e "Default\nWide\nGPU2" | rofi -dmenu -i -p "Resolutions")
case $RET in
Default) swaymsg reload ;;
Wide) swaymsg "
output ${display1} enable pos 1680 0 mode 1680x1050@59.954Hz
output ${display2} enable pos 0 0 mode 1680x1050@59.954Hz
output ${display3} enable pos 3360 0 transform 0
GPU2) swaymsg "
output ${display2} enable pos 1680 0 mode 1920x1080@60Hz
output ${display3} enable pos 0 0 transform 0
# Check for command-line arguments
if [ "$1" == "--scratchpads" ]; then
elif [ "$1" == "--power" ]; then
elif [ "$1" == "--resolutions" ]; then
echo "Please use a valid argument."
# Swaylock's colors and background image
swayLock = pkgs.writeScriptBin "swaylock" ''
# Set the lock script
lockscript() {
${pkgs.swaylock-effects}/bin/swaylock -f -e \
--key-hl-color=$VERIFYING \
--bs-hl-color=$WRONG \
--ring-clear-color=$CLEAR \
--ring-ver-color=$VERIFYING \
--ring-wrong-color=$WRONG \
--ring-color=$DEFAULT \
--ring-clear-color=$VERIFYING \
--inside-color=$CLEAR \
--inside-ver-color=$CLEAR \
--inside-wrong-color=$CLEAR \
--inside-clear-color=$CLEAR \
--text-color=$TEXT \
--text-clear-color=$TEXT \
--text-ver-color=$TEXT \
--text-caps-lock-color=$TEXT \
--text-wrong-color=$TEXT \
--indicator \
--indicator-radius=80 \
--image=${lockpaper} \
--clock \
--font=${mainFont} \
--font-size=30 \
--timestr="%I:%M%p" \
--datestr="%a %b %d %Y"
# Handle whether to lock or sleep
if [ "$1" == "--sleep" ]; then
lockscript &
exec ${pkgs.swayidle}/bin/swayidle -w \
timeout 1 'swaymsg "output * dpms off"' \
resume 'swaymsg "output * dpms on"; pkill -9 swayidle'
# Toggle notifications using mako
makoToggle = pkgs.writeScriptBin "makotoggle" ''
# Run makoctl mode and store the output in a variable
mode_output=$(makoctl mode)
# Extract the second line after "default"
mode_line=$(echo "$mode_output" | sed -n '/default/{n;p}')
if [[ "$mode_line" == "do-not-disturb" ]]; then
# Notifications are disabled, so we enable them
makoctl mode -r do-not-disturb
notify-send --expire-time=1500 'Notifications Enabled'
# Notifications are enabled, so we disable them
notify-send --expire-time=1500 'Notifications Disabled'
sleep 2
makoctl mode -a do-not-disturb
# Use grim and slurp to take screenshots in multiple ways
screenShot = pkgs.writeScriptBin "screenshot" ''
# Swappy
handle_swappy() {
# Create an imv window to act as a static screen
grim -t jpeg - | imv -w "GlobalShot" - & imv_pid=$!
# Capture the screenshot of the selected area and save to a temporary file
selected_area=$(swaymsg -t get_tree | jq -r '.. | select(.pid? and .visible?) | .rect | "\(.x),\(.y) \(.width)x\(.height)"'\
| XCURSOR_SIZE=40 slurp -w ${borderWeight} -c ${primeCol} -B 00000066 -b 00000099)
temp_file=$(mktemp -u).png
grim -g "$selected_area" "$temp_file"
# Kill the imv window
kill $imv_pid
# Copy the screenshot to the clipboard
swappy -f - < "$temp_file"
# Clean up the temporary file
rm "$temp_file"
# Current
handle_current() {
# Take a screenshot and save it to the temporary file
temp_file=$(mktemp -u).png
grim -o $(swaymsg -t get_outputs | jq -r '.[] | select(.focused) | .name') "$temp_file"
# Check if the screenshot was successfully taken
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
# Copy the screenshot to the clipboard
wl-copy < "$temp_file"
# Show a notification with the screenshot
notify-send -i "$temp_file" "Current screen copied."
# Remove the temporary file
rm "$temp_file"
# If the screenshot capture failed, show an error notification
notify-send "Error: Unable to capture screenshot."
# All screens
handle_all() {
# Take a screenshot and save it to the temporary file
temp_file=$(mktemp -u).png
grim -t jpeg "$temp_file"
# Check if the screenshot was successfully taken
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
# Copy the screenshot to the clipboard
wl-copy < "$temp_file"
# Show a notification with the screenshot
notify-send -i "$temp_file" "All screen copied."
# Remove the temporary file
rm "$temp_file"
# If the screenshot capture failed, show an error notification
notify-send "Error: Unable to capture screenshot."
# Check for command-line arguments
if [ "$1" == "--swappy" ]; then
elif [ "$1" == "--current" ]; then
elif [ "$1" == "--all" ]; then
echo "Please use the arguments swappy, current, or all."
# File manager config
pcmanConf = ''
HiddenPlaces=menu://applications/, network:///, computer:///, /home/jimbo/Desktop
# An Easyeffects equalizer profile that sounds good to me
easyEffectsProfile = ''
"output": {
"blocklist": [],
"crystalizer#0": {
"band0": {
"bypass": false,
"intensity": 0.0,
"mute": false
"band1": {
"bypass": false,
"intensity": -1.0,
"mute": false
"band2": {
"bypass": false,
"intensity": -2.0,
"mute": false
"band3": {
"bypass": false,
"intensity": -3.0,
"mute": false
"band4": {
"bypass": false,
"intensity": -4.0,
"mute": false
"band5": {
"bypass": false,
"intensity": -5.0,
"mute": false
"band6": {
"bypass": false,
"intensity": -6.0,
"mute": false
"band7": {
"bypass": false,
"intensity": -7.0,
"mute": false
"band8": {
"bypass": false,
"intensity": -8.0,
"mute": false
"band9": {
"bypass": false,
"intensity": -9.0,
"mute": false
"band10": {
"bypass": false,
"intensity": -10.0,
"mute": false
"band11": {
"bypass": false,
"intensity": -11.0,
"mute": false
"band12": {
"bypass": false,
"intensity": -12.0,
"mute": false
"bypass": false,
"input-gain": 0.0,
"output-gain": 0.0
"equalizer#0": {
"balance": 0.0,
"bypass": false,
"input-gain": 0.0,
"left": {
"band0": {
"frequency": 32.0,
"gain": 1.1,
"mode": "RLC (BT)",
"mute": false,
"q": 4.36,
"slope": "x1",
"solo": false,
"type": "Bell"
"band1": {
"frequency": 64.0,
"gain": 1.16,
"mode": "RLC (BT)",
"mute": false,
"q": 4.36,
"slope": "x1",
"solo": false,
"type": "Bell"
"band2": {
"frequency": 125.0,
"gain": 3.33,
"mode": "RLC (BT)",
"mute": false,
"q": 4.36,
"slope": "x1",
"solo": false,
"type": "Bell"
"band3": {
"frequency": 250.0,
"gain": 1.53,
"mode": "RLC (BT)",
"mute": false,
"q": 4.36,
"slope": "x1",
"solo": false,
"type": "Bell"
"band4": {
"frequency": 500.0,
"gain": -1.83,
"mode": "RLC (BT)",
"mute": false,
"q": 4.36,
"slope": "x1",
"solo": false,
"type": "Bell"
"band5": {
"frequency": 1000.0,
"gain": -0.58,
"mode": "RLC (BT)",
"mute": false,
"q": 4.36,
"slope": "x1",
"solo": false,
"type": "Bell"
"band6": {
"frequency": 2000.0,
"gain": 1.42,
"mode": "RLC (BT)",
"mute": false,
"q": 4.36,
"slope": "x1",
"solo": false,
"type": "Bell"
"band7": {
"frequency": 4000.0,
"gain": 4.73,
"mode": "RLC (BT)",
"mute": false,
"q": 4.36,
"slope": "x1",
"solo": false,
"type": "Bell"
"band8": {
"frequency": 16000.0,
"gain": 7.62,
"mode": "RLC (BT)",
"mute": false,
"q": 4.36,
"slope": "x1",
"solo": false,
"type": "Bell"
"band9": {
"frequency": 156.38,
"gain": 2.84,
"mode": "RLC (BT)",
"mute": false,
"q": 4.36,
"slope": "x1",
"solo": false,
"type": "Bell"
"mode": "IIR",
"num-bands": 10,
"output-gain": 0.0,
"pitch-left": 0.0,
"pitch-right": 0.0,
"right": {
"band0": {
"frequency": 32.0,
"gain": 1.1,
"mode": "RLC (BT)",
"mute": false,
"q": 4.36,
"slope": "x1",
"solo": false,
"type": "Bell"
"band1": {
"frequency": 64.0,
"gain": 1.16,
"mode": "RLC (BT)",
"mute": false,
"q": 4.36,
"slope": "x1",
"solo": false,
"type": "Bell"
"band2": {
"frequency": 125.0,
"gain": 3.33,
"mode": "RLC (BT)",
"mute": false,
"q": 4.36,
"slope": "x1",
"solo": false,
"type": "Bell"
"band3": {
"frequency": 250.0,
"gain": 1.53,
"mode": "RLC (BT)",
"mute": false,
"q": 4.36,
"slope": "x1",
"solo": false,
"type": "Bell"
"band4": {
"frequency": 500.0,
"gain": -1.83,
"mode": "RLC (BT)",
"mute": false,
"q": 4.36,
"slope": "x1",
"solo": false,
"type": "Bell"
"band5": {
"frequency": 1000.0,
"gain": -0.58,
"mode": "RLC (BT)",
"mute": false,
"q": 4.36,
"slope": "x1",
"solo": false,
"type": "Bell"
"band6": {
"frequency": 2000.0,
"gain": 1.42,
"mode": "RLC (BT)",
"mute": false,
"q": 4.36,
"slope": "x1",
"solo": false,
"type": "Bell"
"band7": {
"frequency": 4000.0,
"gain": 4.73,
"mode": "RLC (BT)",
"mute": false,
"q": 4.36,
"slope": "x1",
"solo": false,
"type": "Bell"
"band8": {
"frequency": 16000.0,
"gain": 7.62,
"mode": "RLC (BT)",
"mute": false,
"q": 4.36,
"slope": "x1",
"solo": false,
"type": "Bell"
"band9": {
"frequency": 156.38,
"gain": 2.84,
"mode": "RLC (BT)",
"mute": false,
"q": 4.36,
"slope": "x1",
"solo": false,
"type": "Bell"
"split-channels": false
"plugins_order": [
# Neofetch main config
neoConf = ''
"$schema": "",
"logo": {
"source": "xenia",
"color": {
"1": "1;97",
"2": "red",
"3": "yellow"
"display": {
"separator": " \u001b[33m ",
"color": "red"
"modules": [
"type": "custom",
"format": "\u001b[1m"
"type": "host",
"format": "{5} {2}",
"key": "󰌢 "
"type": "cpu",
"key": " "
"type": "gpu",
"key": "󰢮 "
"type": "disk",
"folders": "/",
"key": " "
"type": "memory",
"format": "{/1}{-}{/}{/2}{-}{/}{} / {}",
"key": " "
"type": "display",
"compactType": "original",
"key": "󰍹 "
"type": "custom",
"format": "\u001b[1m"
"type": "os",
"format": "{3} {12}",
"key": "󰍛 "
"type": "kernel",
"format": "{1} {2}",
"key": " "
"type": "wm",
"key": " "
"type": "shell",
"key": " "
"type": "terminal",
"key": " "
"type": "packages",
"key": "󰆧 "
"type": "uptime",
"key": "󰅐 "
"type": "command",
"text": "date -d @$(stat -c %W /) '+%a %b %d %r %Z %Y'",
"key": "󰶡 "
"type": "custom",
"format": "\u001b[1m"
"type": "custom",
"format": "\u001b[90m󰮯 \u001b[31m󰊠 \u001b[32m󰊠 \u001b[33m󰊠 \u001b[34m󰊠 \u001b[35m󰊠 \u001b[36m󰊠 \u001b[37m󰊠"
# Small Neofetch config
pFetch = let
smallConf = pkgs.writeText "smallconf.jsonc" ''
"$schema": "",
"logo": {
"source": "nixos_small"
"modules": [
"type": "os",
"format": "{3} {12}",
"key": "󰍛 "
"type": "host",
"format": "{5}",
"key": "󰌢 "
"type": "kernel",
"format": "{1} {2}",
"key": " "
"type": "uptime",
"key": "󰅐 "
"type": "packages",
"key": "󰆧 "
"type": "memory",
"format": "{/1}{-}{/}{/2}{-}{/}{} / {}",
"key": " "
in pkgs.writeScriptBin "pfetch"
''fastfetch --config ${smallConf}'';
# Ranger's bookmarks
rangerBookmarks = ''
# Local files
# Remote files
# Some sound settings use alsoft, which needs to be configured to use pipewire
alsoftConf = ''
# FireFox colors
foxJimCol = ''
:root {
--tab-active-bg-color: #${primeCol};
--tab-hover-bg-color: #${accentCol};
--tab-inactive-bg-color: #${darkCol};
--tab-active-fg-fallback-color: #FFFFFF;
--tab-inactive-fg-fallback-color: #${textCol};
--urlbar-focused-bg-color: #${darkCol};
--urlbar-not-focused-bg-color: #${darkCol};
--toolbar-bgcolor: #${darkCol} !important;
foxWorkCol = ''
:root {
--tab-active-bg-color: #${darkCol};
--tab-hover-bg-color: #${accentCol};
--tab-inactive-bg-color: #${primeCol};
--tab-active-fg-fallback-color: #${textCol};
--tab-inactive-fg-fallback-color: #FFFFFF;
--urlbar-focused-bg-color: #${primeCol};
--urlbar-not-focused-bg-color: #${primeCol};
--toolbar-bgcolor: #${primeCol} !important;
quteFoxCSS = ''
--tab-font: '${mainFont}';
--urlbar-font: '${mainFont}';
/* try increasing if you encounter problems */
--urlbar-height-setting: 24px;
--tab-min-height: 20px !important;
/* I don't recommend you touch this */
--arrowpanel-menuitem-padding: 2px !important;
--arrowpanel-border-radius: 0px !important;
--arrowpanel-menuitem-border-radius: 0px !important;
--toolbarbutton-border-radius: 0px !important;
--toolbarbutton-inner-padding: 0px 2px !important;
--toolbar-field-focus-background-color: var(--urlbar-focused-bg-color) !important;
--toolbar-field-background-color: var(--urlbar-not-focused-bg-color) !important;
--toolbar-field-focus-border-color: transparent !important;
/* --- General debloat ------------------------------ */
/* bottom left page loading status or url preview */
#statuspanel { display: none !important; }
/* remove radius from right-click popup */
menupopup, panel { --panel-border-radius: 0px !important; }
menu, menuitem, menucaption { border-radius: 0px !important; }
/* no large buttons in right-click menu */
menupopup > #context-navigation { display: none !important; }
menupopup > #context-sep-navigation { display: none !important; }
/* --- Debloat navbar ------------------------------- */
#back-button { display: none; }
#forward-button { display: none; }
#reload-button { display: none; }
#stop-button { display: none; }
#home-button { display: none; }
#library-button { display: none; }
#fxa-toolbar-menu-button { display: none; }
/* empty space before and after the url bar */
#customizableui-special-spring1, #customizableui-special-spring2 { display: none; }
/* --- Style navbar -------------------------------- */
/* remove padding between toolbar buttons */
toolbar .toolbarbutton-1 { padding: 0 0 !important; }
#urlbar-container {
--urlbar-container-height: var(--urlbar-height-setting) !important;
margin-left: 0 !important;
margin-right: 0 !important;
padding-top: 0 !important;
padding-bottom: 0 !important;
font-family: var(--urlbar-font, 'monospace');
font-size: 14px;
#urlbar {
--urlbar-height: var(--urlbar-height-setting) !important;
--urlbar-toolbar-height: var(--urlbar-height-setting) !important;
min-height: var(--urlbar-height-setting) !important;
border-color: var(--lwt-toolbar-field-border-color, hsla(240,5%,5%,.25)) !important;
#urlbar-input {
margin-left: 0.8em !important;
margin-right: 0.4em !important;
#navigator-toolbox {
border: none !important;
/* keep pop-up menus from overlapping with navbar */
#widget-overflow { margin: 0 !important; }
#appmenu-popup { margin: 0 !important; }
#customizationui-widget-panel { margin: 0 !important; }
#unified-extensions-panel { margin: 0 !important; }
/* --- Unified extensions button -------------------- */
/* make extension icons smaller */
#unified-extensions-view {
--uei-icon-size: 18px;
/* hide bloat */
#unified-extensions-view > .panel-header,
#unified-extensions-view > toolbarseparator,
#unified-extensions-manage-extensions {
display: none !important;
/* add 3px padding on the top and the bottom of the box */
.panel-subview-body {
padding: 3px 0px !important;
#unified-extensions-view .unified-extensions-item-menu-button {
margin-inline-end: 0 !important;
#unified-extensions-view .toolbarbutton-icon {
padding: 0 !important;
.unified-extensions-item-contents {
line-height: 1 !important;
white-space: nowrap !important;
/* --- Debloat URL bar ------------------------------- */
#identity-box { display: none; }
#pageActionButton { display: none; }
#pocket-button { display: none; }
#urlbar-zoom-button { display: none; }
#tracking-protection-icon-container { display: none !important; }
#reader-mode-button{ display: none !important; }
#star-button { display: none; }
#star-button-box:hover { background: inherit !important; }
/* Go to arrow button at the end of the urlbar when searching */
#urlbar-go-button { display: none; }
/* remove container indicator from urlbar */
#userContext-label, #userContext-indicator { display: none !important;}
/* --- Style tab toolbar ---------------------------- */
#titlebar {
--proton-tab-block-margin: 0px !important;
--tab-block-margin: 0px !important;
#TabsToolbar, .tabbrowser-tab {
max-height: var(--tab-min-height) !important;
font-size: 14px !important;
outline: none !important;
/* Change color of normal tabs */
tab:not([selected="true"]) {
background-color: var(--tab-inactive-bg-color) !important;
color: var(--identity-icon-color, var(--tab-inactive-fg-fallback-color)) !important;
tab {
font-family: var(--tab-font, monospace);
border: none !important;
/* safari style tab width */
.tabbrowser-tab[fadein] {
max-width: 100vw !important;
border: none
/* Hide close button on tabs */
#tabbrowser-tabs .tabbrowser-tab .tab-close-button { display: none !important; }
.tabbrowser-tab {
/* remove border between tabs */
padding-inline: 0px !important;
/* reduce fade effect of tab text */
--tab-label-mask-size: 1em !important;
/* fix pinned tab behaviour on overflow */
overflow-clip-margin: 0px !important;
/* Tab: selected colors */
#tabbrowser-tabs .tabbrowser-tab[selected] .tab-content {
background: var(--tab-active-bg-color) !important;
color: var(--identity-icon-color, var(--tab-active-fg-fallback-color)) !important;
/* Tab: hovered colors */
#tabbrowser-tabs .tabbrowser-tab:hover:not([selected]) .tab-content {
background: var(--tab-hover-bg-color) !important;
/* hide window controls */
.titlebar-buttonbox-container { display: none; }
/* remove titlebar spacers */
.titlebar-spacer { display: none !important; }
/* disable tab shadow */
#tabbrowser-tabs:not([noshadowfortests]) .tab-background:is([selected], [multiselected]) {
box-shadow: none !important;
/* remove dark space between pinned tab and first non-pinned tab */
#tabbrowser-tabs[haspinnedtabs]:not([positionpinnedtabs]) >
#tabbrowser-arrowscrollbox >
.tabbrowser-tab:nth-child(1 of :not([pinned], [hidden])) {
margin-inline-start: 0px !important;
/* remove dropdown menu button which displays all tabs on overflow */
#alltabs-button { display: none !important }
/* fix displaying of pinned tabs on overflow */
#tabbrowser-tabs:not([secondarytext-unsupported]) .tab-label-container {
height: var(--tab-min-height) !important;
/* remove overflow scroll buttons */
#scrollbutton-up, #scrollbutton-down { display: none !important; }
/* remove new tab button */
#tabs-newtab-button {
display: none !important;
/* --- Autohide Navbar ------------------------------ */
/* hide navbar unless focused */
#nav-bar {
min-height: 0 !important;
max-height: 0 !important;
height: 0 !important;
--moz-transform: scaleY(0) !important;
transform: scaleY(0) !important;
/* show on focus */
#nav-bar:focus-within {
--moz-transform: scale(1) !important;
transform: scale(1) !important;
max-height: var(--urlbar-height-setting) !important;
height: var(--urlbar-height-setting) !important;
min-height: var(--urlbar-height-setting) !important;
#navigator-toolbox:focus-within > .browser-toolbar {
transform: translateY(0);
opacity: 1;
/* --- Hide tab bar on single tab ------------------- */
#tabbrowser-tabs .tabbrowser-tab:only-of-type,
#tabbrowser-tabs .tabbrowser-tab:only-of-type + #tabbrowser-arrowscrollbox-periphery{
display:none !important;
#tabbrowser-tabs, #tabbrowser-arrowscrollbox {min-height:0!important;}
#alltabs-button {display:none !important;}
/* --- Prevent tab folding -------------------------- */
.tabbrowser-tab {
min-width: initial !important;
.tab-content {
overflow: hidden !important;
# Define home manager programs and configs
home-manager = {
useGlobalPkgs = true;
useUserPackages = true;
users.jimbo = { config, pkgs, ... }: {
# Install user programs
home.packages = (with pkgs; [
# Useful programs
rofi-bluetooth bemoji imv qbittorrent
libreoffice-fresh easyeffects vesktop
element-desktop ffmpegthumbnailer thunderbird
# Terminal programs
dua vimv p7zip fastfetch gotop pciutils usbutils
ncpamixer tcptrack mpc-cli protonvpn-cli_2
# Scripts as global programs
rofiScripts makoToggle swayLock screenShot pFetch
# Production tools
krita inkscape audacity blender sunvox
# File manager
pcmanfm-qt gnome.file-roller imagemagick poppler_utils
# School tools
remmina freerdp globalprotect-openconnect python3 zoom-us
# Audio/Video tools
yt-dlp spotdl ani-cli playerctl ffmpeg
# Unlimited games
steam steam-run heroic prismlauncher
# Emulators
#dolphin-emu cemu ryujinx duckstation pcsx2 unstable.lime3ds
# Remote desktop
# Window manager apps
swaybg wdisplays wl-clipboard clipman
libnotify bc grim slurp swappy jq lm_sensors
# Enable Sway and write some scripts
wayland.windowManager.sway = let
# Define certain variables Sway will use
primeMod = "Mod4";
secMod = "Mod1";
# Define scripts specific to Sway
pinWindow = pkgs.writeScript "pin-window" ''
# Get the current border style of the focused window
current_style=$(swaymsg -t get_tree | jq -r '.. | select(.focused?).border')
# Toggle between "normal" (default) and "pixel ${borderWeight}" border styles
if [ "$current_style" == "none" ]; then
swaymsg "sticky disable, border pixel ${borderWeight}"
swaymsg "sticky enable, border none"
# Kill a window or probe it for info
swayTools = pkgs.writeScript "swaytools" ''
# List the app name and whether or not it uses wayland
swayprop() {
selected_window=$(swaymsg -t get_tree | jq -r '.. | select(.pid? and .visible?) | "\(.rect.x),\(.rect.y) \(.rect.width)x\(.rect.height)"' | slurp -r -c ${primeCol} -B 00000066 -b 00000000)
if [ -n "$selected_window" ]; then
app_id=$(swaymsg -t get_tree | jq -r '.. | select(.pid? and .visible?) | select("\(.rect.x),\(.rect.y) \(.rect.width)x\(.rect.height)" == "'"$selected_window"'") | .app_id')
system=$(sed 's/xdg_shell/Wayland/g; s/xwayland/Xorg/g' < <(swaymsg -t get_tree | jq -r '.. | select(.pid? and .visible?) | select("\(.rect.x),\(.rect.y) \(.rect.width)x\(.rect.height)" == "'"$selected_window"'") | .shell'))
notify-send "$(echo -e "Window's app_id: $app_id\nWindow System: $system")"
# Kill a selected window
swaykill() {
selected_window=$(swaymsg -t get_tree | jq -r '.. | select(.pid? and .visible?) | "\(.rect.x),\(.rect.y) \(.rect.width)x\(.rect.height)"' | slurp -r -c ${primeCol} -B 00000066 -b 00000000)
if [ -n "$selected_window" ]; then
pid=$(swaymsg -t get_tree | jq -r '.. | select(.pid? and .visible?) | select("\(.rect.x),\(.rect.y) \(.rect.width)x\(.rect.height)" == "'"$selected_window"'") | .pid')
kill -9 "$pid"
# Handle which tool we use
if [ "$1" == "--prop" ]; then
elif [ "$1" == "--kill" ]; then
in {
enable = true;
#package = pkgs.swayfx
wrapperFeatures.gtk = true;
checkConfig = false;
config = {
modifier = "${primeMod}";
startup = [
# Lock the screen on start, to allow an autostarted session
{ command = "swaylock"; }
# Scratchpads
{ command = "foot -a gotop -T Gotop gotop"; }
{ command = "foot -a music -T Music ncmpcpp"; }
{ command = "foot -a sound -T Sound ncpamixer"; }
{ command = "easyeffects"; }
# Daemons and tray apps
{ command = "wl-paste -t text --watch clipman store -P"; }
{ command = "wl-copy"; }
{ command = "mako"; }
{ command = "${pkgs.rot8}/bin/rot8"; }
# Polkit agent
{ command = "${pkgs.mate.mate-polkit}/libexec/polkit-mate-authentication-agent-1"; }
# Foreground apps
{ command = "librewolf -P Misc --name=MiscBrowser"; }
{ command = "vesktop --ozone-platform-hint=auto"; }
{ command = "element-desktop"; }
{ command = "thunderbird"; }
# Use Waybar rather than Sway's
bars = [{ command = "waybar"; }];
# Define hardware
output = {
${display1} = {
pos = "1920 405";
mode = "1920x1080@143.980Hz";
max_render_time = "3";
bg = "${wallpaper1} fill";
scale = "1";
adaptive_sync = "on";
${display2} = {
pos = "0 405";
mode = "1920x1080@60Hz";
max_render_time = "3";
bg = "${wallpaper2} fill";
${display3} = {
pos = "3840 0";
mode = "1680x1050@59.883Hz";
transform = "270";
max_render_time = "3";
bg = "${wallpaper3} fill";
${displayTouch} = {
#scale = "1.4";
"*" = {
bg = "${wallpaper1} fill";
# Mouse sensitivity, disable acceleration, allow touch while typing
input = {
"9610:4103:SINOWEALTH_Game_Mouse" = {
pointer_accel = "-0.9";
"9639:64097:Compx_2.4G_Receiver_Mouse" = {
pointer_accel = "-0.82";
"1452:627:bcm5974" = {
scroll_factor = "0.3";
"*" = {
accel_profile = "flat";
dwt = "disabled";
natural_scroll = "disabled";
# Map touchscreen to output
"1386:806:Wacom_ISDv5_326_Finger" = {
map_to_output = "${displayTouch}";
# Assign workspaces to outputs
workspaceOutputAssign = let
workspaces1 = [ "${w0}" "${w1}" "${w2}" "${w3}" "${w1a}" "${w2a}" "${w3a}" ];
workspaces2 = [ "${w4}" "${w5}" "${w6}" "${w4a}" "${w5a}" "${w6a}" ];
workspaces3 = [ "${w7}" "${w8}" "${w9}" "${w7a}" "${w8a}" "${w9a}" ];
assign = output: workspaces: map (workspace: { inherit workspace; inherit output; }) workspaces;
(assign "${display1}" workspaces1) ++ (assign "${display2}" workspaces2) ++ (assign "${display3}" workspaces3);
# Theming settings
fonts = {
names = [ "${mainFont}" ];
size = 10.5;
gaps = {
inner = 5;
smartGaps = true;
focus = {
newWindow = "focus";
colors = {
focused = {
border = "#${primeCol}";
background = "#${primeCol}";
text = "#FFFFFF";
indicator = "#${actSplitCol}";
childBorder = "#${primeCol}";
focusedInactive = {
border = "#${accentCol}";
background = "#${accentCol}";
text = "#${textCol}";
indicator = "#${splitCol}";
childBorder = "#${accentCol}";
unfocused = {
border = "#${darkCol}";
background = "#${darkCol}";
text = "#${textCol}";
indicator = "#${splitCol}";
childBorder = "#${splitCol}";
urgent = {
border = "#${urgentCol}";
background = "#${urgentCol}";
text = "#${textCol}";
indicator = "#${urgentCol}";
childBorder = "#${urgentCol}";
# Hotkeys
keybindings = let
resizeAmount = ''55'';
sendNotif = ''notify-send --expire-time=1500'';
in {
## Launcher keys
# LibreWolf profiles
"${primeMod}+F1" = ''exec librewolf -P Jimbo --name=JimBrowser | ${sendNotif} "Main Browser"'';
"${primeMod}+F2" = ''exec librewolf -P School --name=SchoolBrowser | ${sendNotif} "School Browser"'';
"${primeMod}+F3" = ''exec librewolf -P Misc --name=MiscBrowser | ${sendNotif} "Miscellaneous Browser"'';
# Discord
"${primeMod}+F4" = ''exec vesktop --ozone-platform-hint=auto | ${sendNotif} "Discord"'';
# Games
"${primeMod}+F5" = ''exec steam | ${sendNotif} "Steam"'';
"${primeMod}+F6" = ''exec heroic | ${sendNotif} "Heroic Games"'';
# Looking glass for VMs
"${primeMod}+F7" = ''exec looking-glass-client input:rawMouse=yes | ${sendNotif} "Looking Glass"'';
# Virtual Machines
"${primeMod}+F10" = ''exec virt-manager | ${sendNotif} "Virtual Machines"'';
# BeMenu scripts
"${primeMod}+F11" = ''exec rofiscripts --scratchpads | ${sendNotif} "Scratchpads"'';
"${primeMod}+${secMod}+Ctrl+r" = ''exec rofiscripts --resolutions'';
# Open NixOS configuration files
"${primeMod}+F12" = ''exec bash -c "foot nvim /etc/nixos/{configuration,jimbo,hardware-configuration}.nix" | ${sendNotif} "Nix Config"'';
# Terminal, rofi, clipmenu, media script, power menu, show/hide waybar
"${primeMod}+Return" = ''exec foot'';
"${primeMod}+s" = ''exec rofi -show run -p Command'';
"${primeMod}+c" = ''exec clipman pick -t rofi'';
"${primeMod}+x" = ''exec rofiscripts --power'';
"${primeMod}+b" = ''exec pkill -USR1 waybar'';
"${primeMod}+Escape" = ''exec ${swayTools} --kill'';
# PCManFM, Emoji Picker, Rofi Launcher, Bluetooth, Ranger
"${primeMod}+Shift+t" = ''exec pcmanfm-qt'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+e" = ''exec BEMOJI_PICKER_CMD="rofi -dmenu -i -p Emoji" bemoji -n -P 0'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+s" = ''exec rofi -show drun -modi drun -drun-display-format {name} -show-icons -disable-history'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+b" = ''exec rofi-bluetooth'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+Return" = ''exec foot ranger'';
# Swaytools prop, colorpicker, obs-cmd
"${primeMod}+Ctrl+x" = ''exec ${swayTools} --prop'';
"${primeMod}+Ctrl+c" = ''exec ${pkgs.hyprpicker}/bin/hyprpicker -an && ${sendNotif} "Color copied to clipboard"'';
"${primeMod}+Ctrl+Prior" = ''exec ${pkgs.obs-cmd}/bin/obs-cmd scene switch "Main"'';
"${primeMod}+Ctrl+Next" = ''exec ${pkgs.obs-cmd}/bin/obs-cmd scene switch "Guest"'';
## Media keys
# Volume control
"XF86AudioRaiseVolume" = ''exec wpctl set-volume @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@ 5%+'';
"XF86AudioLowerVolume" = ''exec wpctl set-volume @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@ 5%-'';
# MPV volume control
"${secMod}+XF86AudioRaiseVolume" = ''exec mpc volume +3'';
"${secMod}+XF86AudioLowerVolume" = ''exec mpc volume -3'';
# Mute, Stop
"XF86AudioMute" = ''exec wpctl set-mute @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@ toggle'';
"XF86AudioStop" = ''exec mpc stop'';
# Play MPD, Firefox, or MPV
"XF86AudioPlay" = ''exec mpc toggle'';
"${secMod}+XF86AudioPlay" = ''exec playerctl --player=librewolf play-pause'';
"Ctrl+XF86AudioPlay" = ''exec playerctl --player=mpv play-pause'';
# Next/Previous
"XF86AudioNext" = ''exec mpc next'';
"XF86AudioPrev" = ''exec mpc prev'';
# Seek
"${secMod}+Shift+XF86AudioNext" = ''exec mpc seek +5'';
"${secMod}+Shift+XF86AudioPrev" = ''exec mpc seek -5'';
## Notification keys
# Toggle mako
"${primeMod}+n" = ''exec makotoggle'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+n" = ''exec makoctl restore'';
"${primeMod}+Ctrl+n" = ''exec makoctl dismiss -a'';
## Miscellaneous keys
# Screenshots
"Print" = ''exec screenshot --swappy'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+f" = ''exec screenshot --swappy'';
"Shift+Print" = ''exec screenshot --current'';
"Ctrl+Print" = ''exec screenshot --all'';
# Server SSH
"${primeMod}+Ctrl+Return" = ''exec foot ssh server -p 2222'';
# Display Brightness and Keyboard Brightness
"XF86MonBrightnessUp" = ''exec ${pkgs.light}/bin/light -A 5'';
"XF86MonBrightnessDown" = ''exec ${pkgs.light}/bin/light -U 5'';
"Shift+XF86MonBrightnessUp" = ''exec ${pkgs.light}/bin/light -A 1'';
"Shift+XF86MonBrightnessDown" = ''exec ${pkgs.light}/bin/light -U 1'';
"XF86KbdBrightnessUp" = ''exec ${pkgs.light}/bin/light -s sysfs/leds/smc::kbd_backlight -A 5'';
"XF86KbdBrightnessDown" = ''exec ${pkgs.light}/bin/light -s sysfs/leds/smc::kbd_backlight -U 5'';
## Window manager keys
"${primeMod}+q" = ''kill'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+r" = ''reload'';
# Switch to workspaces
"${primeMod}+grave" = ''workspace ${w0}'';
"${primeMod}+1" = ''workspace ${w1}'';
"${primeMod}+2" = ''workspace ${w2}'';
"${primeMod}+3" = ''workspace ${w3}'';
"${primeMod}+4" = ''workspace ${w4}'';
"${primeMod}+5" = ''workspace ${w5}'';
"${primeMod}+6" = ''workspace ${w6}'';
"${primeMod}+7" = ''workspace ${w7}'';
"${primeMod}+8" = ''workspace ${w8}'';
"${primeMod}+9" = ''workspace ${w9}'';
# Switch to alternate workspaces
"${secMod}+F1" = ''workspace ${w1a}'';
"${secMod}+F2" = ''workspace ${w2a}'';
"${secMod}+F3" = ''workspace ${w3a}'';
"${secMod}+F4" = ''workspace ${w4a}'';
"${secMod}+F5" = ''workspace ${w5a}'';
"${secMod}+F6" = ''workspace ${w6a}'';
"${secMod}+F7" = ''workspace ${w7a}'';
"${secMod}+F8" = ''workspace ${w8a}'';
"${secMod}+F9" = ''workspace ${w9a}'';
# Move window to and focus new workspace
"${primeMod}+Shift+grave" = ''move container to workspace ${w0}; workspace ${w0}'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+1" = ''move container to workspace ${w1}; workspace ${w1}'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+2" = ''move container to workspace ${w2}; workspace ${w2}'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+3" = ''move container to workspace ${w3}; workspace ${w3}'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+4" = ''move container to workspace ${w4}; workspace ${w4}'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+5" = ''move container to workspace ${w5}; workspace ${w5}'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+6" = ''move container to workspace ${w6}; workspace ${w6}'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+7" = ''move container to workspace ${w7}; workspace ${w7}'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+8" = ''move container to workspace ${w8}; workspace ${w8}'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+9" = ''move container to workspace ${w9}; workspace ${w9}'';
# Move window to and focus new alternate workspace
"${secMod}+Shift+F1" = ''move container to workspace ${w1a}; workspace ${w1a}'';
"${secMod}+Shift+F2" = ''move container to workspace ${w2a}; workspace ${w2a}'';
"${secMod}+Shift+F3" = ''move container to workspace ${w3a}; workspace ${w3a}'';
"${secMod}+Shift+F4" = ''move container to workspace ${w4a}; workspace ${w4a}'';
"${secMod}+Shift+F5" = ''move container to workspace ${w5a}; workspace ${w5a}'';
"${secMod}+Shift+F6" = ''move container to workspace ${w6a}; workspace ${w6a}'';
"${secMod}+Shift+F7" = ''move container to workspace ${w7a}; workspace ${w7a}'';
"${secMod}+Shift+F8" = ''move container to workspace ${w8a}; workspace ${w8a}'';
"${secMod}+Shift+F9" = ''move container to workspace ${w9a}; workspace ${w9a}'';
# Change focus across windows
"${primeMod}+Up" = ''focus up'';
"${primeMod}+Down" = ''focus down'';
"${primeMod}+Left" = ''focus left'';
"${primeMod}+Right" = ''focus right'';
# Switch focus across outputs
"${primeMod}+j" = ''focus output ${display2}'';
"${primeMod}+k" = ''focus output ${display1}'';
"${primeMod}+l" = ''focus output ${display3}'';
# Move focused window
"${primeMod}+Shift+Up" = ''move up ${resizeAmount} px'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+Down" = ''move down ${resizeAmount} px'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+Left" = ''move left ${resizeAmount} px'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+Right" = ''move right ${resizeAmount} px'';
# Move window across outputs
"${primeMod}+Shift+j" = ''move output ${display2}; focus output ${display2}'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+k" = ''move output ${display1}; focus output ${display1}'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+l" = ''move output ${display3}; focus output ${display3}'';
# Change focus between floating/tiled, toggle floating
"${primeMod}+space" = ''focus mode_toggle'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+space" = ''floating toggle'';
# Allow a window to be visible on all workspaces, toggle border
"${primeMod}+0" = ''exec ${pinWindow}'';
# Toggle fullscreen
"${primeMod}+f" = ''fullscreen toggle'';
"${primeMod}+${secMod}+Ctrl+f" = ''fullscreen toggle global'';
# Change container layout
"${primeMod}+w" = ''layout toggle split'';
"${primeMod}+e" = ''layout toggle tabbed stacking'';
# Change split direction
"${primeMod}+h" = ''split h'';
"${primeMod}+v" = ''split v'';
# Focus parent / child
"${primeMod}+a" = ''focus parent'';
"${primeMod}+d" = ''focus child'';
# Resize windows
"${primeMod}+${secMod}+Up" = ''resize grow height ${resizeAmount} px or 5 ppt'';
"${primeMod}+${secMod}+Down" = ''resize shrink height ${resizeAmount} px or 5 ppt'';
"${primeMod}+${secMod}+Left" = ''resize shrink width ${resizeAmount} px or 5 ppt'';
"${primeMod}+${secMod}+Right" = ''resize grow width ${resizeAmount} px or 5 ppt'';
# Adjust gap size
"${primeMod}+Shift+equal" = ''gaps inner current set 5'';
"${primeMod}+equal" = ''gaps inner current plus 5'';
"${primeMod}+minus" = ''gaps inner current minus 5'';
# Scratchpads
"Ctrl+Shift+Escape" = ''[app_id="gotop"] scratchpad show, move position center, resize set 1216 888'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+m" = ''[app_id="music"] scratchpad show, move position center, resize set 1006 657'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+v" = ''[app_id="audio"] scratchpad show, move position center, resize set 1000 800'';
"${primeMod}+Shift+Backslash" = ''[app_id="com.github.wwmm.easyeffects"] scratchpad show, move position center, resize set 1000 800'';
window = {
border = borderWeightInt;
titlebar = false;
commands = [
# Scratchpads
{ criteria = { con_mark = "scratchpad"; };
command = ''floating enable, sticky enable, move scratchpad, mark borderless''; }
{ criteria = { app_id = "gotop"; };
command = ''mark scratchpad''; }
{ criteria = { app_id = "music"; };
command = ''mark scratchpad''; }
{ criteria = { app_id = "audio"; };
command = ''mark scratchpad''; }
{ criteria = { app_id = "com.github.wwmm.easyeffects"; };
command = ''mark scratchpad, opacity 0.9''; }
# Create a "Scratchpad" for apps I don't want to be seen when launched
{ criteria = { con_mark = "hiddenaway"; }; command = ''move scratchpad''; }
# Give apps that don't have them borders
{ criteria = { con_mark = "borderless"; }; command = ''border pixel ${borderWeight}''; }
{ criteria = { app_id = "com.github.wwmm.easyeffects"; }; command = ''mark borderless''; }
{ criteria = { class = "steam"; }; command = ''mark borderless''; }
{ criteria = { app_id = "swappy"; }; command = ''mark borderless''; }
{ criteria = { app_id = "virt-manager"; }; command = ''mark borderless''; }
{ criteria = { window_role = "pop-up"; }; command = ''mark borderless''; }
# Floating or fullscreen rules
{ criteria = { app_id = "float"; }; command = ''floating enable''; }
{ criteria = { title = "^GlobalShot"; }; command = ''floating enable, fullscreen enable global''; }
assigns = {
# Browsers
"${w1}" = [{ app_id = "JimBrowser"; }];
"${w1a}" = [{ app_id = "SchoolBrowser"; }];
"${w7}" = [{ app_id = "MiscBrowser"; }];
# Communication
"${w3a}" = [{ class = "zoom"; }];
"${w8}" = [{ app_id = "vesktop"; }];
"${w9}" = [{ class = "Element"; }];
"${w7a}" = [{ app_id = "thunderbird"; }];
# Else
"${w2}" = [{ class = "SDL Application"; } { class = "heroic"; }];
"${w2a}" = [{ app_id = "looking-glass-client"; }];
"${w4a}" = [{ app_id = "com.obsproject.Studio"; }];
extraConfig = ''
# Options I can't find in Nix yet
default_floating_border pixel ${borderWeight}
hide_edge_borders --i3 smart
titlebar_padding 10 1
primary_selection disabled
# SwayFX specific options
#blur enable
#blur_passes 3
#blur_radius 5
#layer_effects 'rofi' blur enable
#layer_effects 'notifications' blur enable; blur_ignore_transparent enable
# Include extra window icons
include ${pkgs.fetchurl {
url = "";
sha256 = "09ki5qw1h91kd33k3fwzq7cb6ck8sq4haswgizrsy387sfr2a75x";
# Switch to workspace 1
workspace ${w7}
workspace ${w1}
# Define Waybar
programs.waybar = let
# Sway workspaces
swayWorkspacesModule = {
format = "{name}";
enable-bar-scroll = true;
warp-on-scroll = false;
disable-scroll-wraparound = true;
# Sway windows
swayWindowsModule = {
icon = true;
icon-size = 15;
all-outputs = true;
tooltip = false;
rewrite = {
"(.*) LibreWolf" = " $1";
"LibreWolf" = " Firefox";
"(.*) - LibreWolf Firefox" = "󰗃 $1";
# Pipewire/Pulseaudio
pulseModule = {
format = "{icon} {volume}%";
format-bluetooth = "{icon} {volume}%";
format-muted = " muted";
format-icons = {
headphone = "󰋋 ";
headset = "󰋋 ";
default = [ " " " " ];
on-click = "wpctl set-mute @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@ toggle";
on-click-middle = "wpctl set-volume @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@ 100%";
on-click-right = "wpctl set-volume @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@ 60%";
ignored-sinks = [ "Easy Effects Sink" "USB FS AUDIO Analog Stereo" ];
# CPU, Ram and Vram
cpuModule = {
format = " {usage}%";
interval = 3;
ramModule = {
format = " {used}G";
tooltip = false;
vramModule = {
exec = pkgs.writeScript "vramScript" ''
# Don't run the script if running on integrated graphics
if lspci -k | grep "Kernel driver in use: nvidia" &> /dev/null || lspci -k | grep "Kernel driver in use: amdgpu" &> /dev/null; then
# Run the nvidia-smi command and capture the VRAM usage and GPU utilization output
if lspci -k | grep "Kernel driver in use: nvidia" &> /dev/null; then
vram_usage_mb=$(nvidia-smi --query-gpu=memory.used --format=csv,noheader,nounits)
temperature=$(nvidia-smi --query-gpu=temperature.gpu --format=csv,noheader,nounits)
# Check the drm memory if an AMD GPU is present
elif lspci -k | grep "Kernel driver in use: amdgpu" &> /dev/null; then
vram_usage_mb=$(echo "$(cat /sys/class/drm/card0/device/mem_info_vram_used || cat /sys/class/drm/card1/device/mem_info_vram_used) / 1024 / 1024" | bc)
temperature=$(sensors | grep 'edge' | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/[^0-9.-]//g')
# Check if VRAM usage is under 1GB
if [ $vram_usage_mb -lt 1024 ]; then
vram_usage_display="$(echo $vram_usage_mb)M"
# Convert MB to GiB
vram_usage_gib=$(bc <<< "scale=2; $vram_usage_mb / 1024")
vram_usage_display="$(echo $vram_usage_gib)G"
# Print the VRAM usage in MB or GiB, and include GPU utilization and temperature
echo "{\"text\":\"󰢮 $(echo $vram_usage_display)\",\"tooltip\":\"$(echo $temperature)°C\"}"
format = "{}";
return-type = "json";
interval = 3;
# Clocks
longClockModule = {
exec = pkgs.writeScript "longClock" ''
# Long clock format, with a numeric date and military time tooltip
time=$(date +'%a %b %d %l:%M:%S%p' | tr -s ' ')
date=$(date "+%Y-%m-%d")
echo "{\"text\":\" $time\",\"tooltip\":\"$date\"}"
on-click = ''wl-copy $(date "+%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S"); notify-send "Date copied."'';
format = "{}";
return-type = "json";
interval = 1;
tooltip = true;
shortClockModule = {
exec = "echo ' '$(date +'%l:%M%p' | sed 's/^ //')";
on-click = ''wl-copy $(date "+%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S"); notify-send "Date copied."'';
interval = 60;
tooltip = false;
# Tray, gamemode, bluetooth, and network tray modules
trayModule = {
spacing = 5;
networkModule = {
format-ethernet = "󰈀";
format-wifi = "";
format-disconnected = "󰖪";
format-linked = "";
tooltip-format-ethernet = "{ipaddr}\n{ifname} ";
tooltip-format-wifi = "{ipaddr}\n{essid} ({signalStrength}%)";
tooltip-format-disconnected = "Disconnected";
bluetoothModule = {
format = "";
format-disabled = "";
format-no-controller = "";
tooltip-format-on = "No devices connected.";
tooltip-format-connected = "{num_connections} connected\n{device_enumerate}";
tooltip-format-enumerate-connected = "{device_alias}";
tooltip-format-enumerate-connected-battery = "{device_alias} {device_battery_percentage}%";
on-click = "rofi-bluetooth";
scratchpadModule = {
format = " {count}";
show-empty = false;
tooltip = true;
tooltip-format = "{title}";
gamemodeModule = {
format = "{glyph}";
glyph = "󰖺";
hide-not-running = true;
use-icon = true;
icon-spacing = 3;
icon-size = 19;
tooltip = true;
tooltip-format = "Gamemode On";
# Special per-bar modules
mediaModule = {
exec-if = "mpc status | grep -q '^\\[playing\\] \\|^\\[paused\\]'";
exec = pkgs.writeScript "mpvMetadata" ''
get_metadata() {
mpc --format "%file%" | head -n 1 | sed -E 's/\.(mp3|mp4|m4a|mov|flac|opus|oga)$//; s/&/&amp;/g'
truncate_string() {
local str="$1"
local max_length=30
if [ $(expr length "$str") -gt $max_length ]; then
str=$(expr substr "$str" 1 $max_length)...
echo "$str"
if mpc status 2>/dev/null | grep -q playing; then
song_name=$(get_metadata | awk -F ' - ' '{print $2}')
if [ -z "$song_name" ]; then
echo "{\"text\":\"$(truncate_string " $song_name")\",\"tooltip\":\"$(get_metadata)\"}"
elif mpc status 2>/dev/null | grep -q paused; then
artist_name=$(get_metadata | awk -F ' - ' '{print $1}')
if [ -z "$artist_name" ]; then
echo "{\"text\":\"$(truncate_string " $artist_name")\",\"tooltip\":\"$(get_metadata)\",\"class\":\"paused\"}"
format = "{}";
return-type = "json";
interval = 2;
max-length = 30;
on-click = "mpc toggle";
notificationModule = {
exec = pkgs.writeScript "notificationScript" ''
# Run makoctl mode and store the output in a variable
mode_output=$(makoctl mode)
# Extract the second line after "default"
mode_line=$(echo "$mode_output" | sed -n '/default/{n;p}')
# Print the notification status with the tooltip
if [[ "$mode_line" == "do-not-disturb" ]]; then
printf '{"text":"󱆥 Off","class":"disabled","tooltip":"Notifications Disabled."}'
printf '{"text":" On","tooltip":"Notifications Enabled."}';
format = "{}";
return-type = "json";
interval = 2;
on-click = "makotoggle";
weatherModule = {
exec = pkgs.writeScript "weatherScript" ''
# Define variables
# Fetch weather data
weather_data=$(curl -s "$CITY&appid=$API_KEY")
weather_condition=$(echo $weather_data | jq -r '.weather[0].main')
# Map weather conditions to emojis
case "$weather_condition" in
"Clear") emoji="";;
"Clouds") emoji="";;
"Rain") emoji="🌧";;
"Drizzle") emoji="🌦";;
"Thunderstorm") emoji="";;
"Snow") emoji="";;
"Mist"|"Fog"|"Haze") emoji="🌫";;
*) emoji="🌍";; # Default emoji for unknown
# Extract and format temperature in Celsius
temperature_kelvin=$(echo $weather_data | jq -r '.main.temp')
temperature_celsius=$(echo "$temperature_kelvin - 273.15" | bc)
formatted_temperature=$(printf "%.0f" $temperature_celsius)
# Display weather emoji and temperature
echo {\"text\":\"$emoji $formatted_temperature°C\",\"tooltip\":\"Weather in $CITY: $weather_condition\"}
format = "<span font_size='11pt'>{}</span>";
return-type = "json";
on-click = "xdg-open | notify-send 'Opening weather'";
interval = 150;
# Laptop modules
backlightModule = {
format = "{icon} {percent}%";
format-icons = ["" "󰖨"];
tooltip = false;
batteryModule = {
interval = 60;
states = {
warning = 30;
critical = 15;
format = "{icon} {capacity}%";
format-icons = ["" "" "" "" ""];
in {
enable = true;
settings = {
display1 = {
name = "bar1";
position = "top";
layer = "bottom";
output = [ display1 "VGA-1" ];
modules-left = [ "sway/workspaces" "sway/window" ];
modules-right = [
"pulseaudio" "cpu" "memory" "custom/vram" "custom/clock-long"
"gamemode" "sway/scratchpad" "tray" "bluetooth" "network"
"sway/workspaces" = swayWorkspacesModule;
"sway/window" = swayWindowsModule;
"pulseaudio" = pulseModule;
"cpu" = cpuModule;
"memory" = ramModule;
"custom/vram" = vramModule;
"custom/clock-long" = longClockModule;
"gamemode" = gamemodeModule;
"sway/scratchpad" = scratchpadModule;
"tray" = trayModule;
"bluetooth" = bluetoothModule;
"network" = networkModule // { interface = "enp*"; };
display2 = {
name = "bar2";
position = "top";
layer = "bottom";
output = [ display2 ];
modules-left = [ "sway/workspaces" "sway/window" ];
modules-right = [
"pulseaudio" "custom/media" "custom/notifs" "cpu"
"memory" "custom/vram" "custom/clock-long"
"sway/workspaces" = swayWorkspacesModule;
"sway/window" = swayWindowsModule;
"pulseaudio" = pulseModule;
"custom/media" = mediaModule;
"custom/notifs" = notificationModule;
"cpu" = cpuModule;
"memory" = ramModule;
"custom/vram" = vramModule;
"custom/clock-long" = longClockModule;
display3 = {
name = "bar3";
position = "top";
layer = "bottom";
output = [ display3 ];
modules-left = [ "sway/workspaces" "sway/window" ];
modules-right = [
"pulseaudio" "custom/weather" "cpu" "memory" "custom/vram" "custom/clock-short"
"sway/workspaces" = swayWorkspacesModule;
"sway/window" = swayWindowsModule;
"pulseaudio" = pulseModule;
"custom/weather" = weatherModule;
"cpu" = cpuModule;
"memory" = ramModule;
"custom/vram" = vramModule;
"custom/clock-short" = shortClockModule;
displayLap = {
name = "laptop";
position = "top";
layer = "bottom";
output = [ "eDP-1" "LVDS-1" "DSI-1" "HDMI-A-1" ];
modules-left = [ "sway/workspaces" "sway/window" ];
modules-right = [
"pulseaudio" "custom/media" "custom/notifs" "custom/weather2" "cpu" "memory" "custom/vram" "backlight"
"battery" "custom/clock-long" "gamemode" "sway/scratchpad" "tray" "bluetooth" "network"
"sway/workspaces" = swayWorkspacesModule;
"sway/window" = swayWindowsModule;
"pulseaudio" = pulseModule;
"custom/media" = mediaModule;
"custom/notifs" = notificationModule;
"custom/weather2" = weatherModule;
"cpu" = cpuModule;
"memory" = ramModule;
"custom/vram" = vramModule;
"backlight" = backlightModule;
"battery" = batteryModule;
"custom/clock-long" = longClockModule;
"sway/scratchpad" = scratchpadModule;
"tray" = trayModule;
"bluetooth" = bluetoothModule;
"network" = networkModule;
style = ''
* {
border: 0;
border-radius: 0;
min-height: 0;
font-family: ${mainFont}, ${nerdFont};
font-size: 15.5px;
color: #${textCol};
#waybar {
background: #${darkCol};
#workspaces {
padding: 0 6px 0 0;
#tray {
padding: 0 2px 0 5px;
#network {
padding: 0 10px 0 4px;
#network.disconnected, {
color: #424242;
#bluetooth {
margin: 0 6px 0 4px;
font-size: 13.4px;
#workspaces button {
padding: 0 3px;
color: white;
border-bottom: 3px solid transparent;
min-width: 20px;
#workspaces button.visible {
border-bottom: 3px solid #${primeCol};
background: #${midCol};
#workspaces button.urgent {
border-bottom: 3px solid #${urgentCol};
#workspaces button:hover {
box-shadow: none;
background: #${lightCol};
#scratchpad {
margin-left: 2px;
#cpu {
border-bottom: 3px solid #f90000;
margin: 0 5px 0 2px;
#memory {
border-bottom: 3px solid #4bffdc;
margin: 0 5px 0 2px;
#custom-vram {
border-bottom: 3px solid #33FF00;
margin: 0 5px 0 2px;
#custom-media {
border-bottom: 3px solid #ffb066;
margin: 0 5px 0 2px;
#custom-clock-long {
border-bottom: 3px solid #0a6cf5;
margin: 0 5px 0 2px;
#custom-clock-short {
border-bottom: 3px solid #0a6cf5;
margin: 0 5px 0 2px;
#backlight {
border-bottom: 3px solid #5ffca3;
margin: 0 5px 0 2px;
#battery {
border-bottom: 3px solid #fcfc16;
margin: 0 5px 0 2px;
#custom-media.paused {
color: #888;
#custom-weather {
border-bottom: 3px solid #${primeCol};
margin: 0 5px 0 2px;
#custom-weather2 {
border-bottom: 3px solid #c75bd3;
margin: 0 5px 0 2px;
#custom-notifs {
border-bottom: 3px solid #${primeCol};
margin: 0 5px 0 2px;
#custom-notifs.disabled {
color: #888;
#pulseaudio {
margin-right: 5px;
#pulseaudio.muted {
color: #424242;
# Define GTK theme settings
gtk = {
enable = true;
font = {
name = "${mainFont}";
size = 11;
theme = themeSettings;
iconTheme = {
package = pkgs.papirus-icon-theme.override { color = "${folderCol}"; };
name = "Papirus-Dark";
cursorTheme = {
package = pkgs.simp1e-cursors;
name = "Simp1e-Dark";
# GTK app bookmarks
gtk3 = {
bookmarks = [
# Local
# Remote
# Links and mounts
# More important stuff
# Disable shadows
extraCss = ''
* { outline-width: 0px; }
decoration { box-shadow: none; }
# Stop gtk4 from being rounded
gtk4.extraCss = ''
window {
# Select default apps
xdg.mimeApps.defaultApplications = {
"inode/directory" = "pcmanfm-qt.desktop";
"text/plain" = "nvim.desktop";
"image/png" = "imv.desktop";
"image/jpeg" = "imv.desktop";
# Set dconf settings
dconf.settings = {
"org/gnome/desktop/interface/color-scheme" = {
color-scheme = "prefer-dark";
"org/virt-manager/virt-manager/connections" = {
autoconnect = [ "qemu:///system" ];
uris = [ "qemu:///system" ];
# Enable Librewolf and extensions
programs.firefox = let
commonExtensions = with pkgs.nur.repos.rycee.firefox-addons; [
ublock-origin bitwarden darkreader sponsorblock return-youtube-dislikes no-pdf-download
commonSearch = {
force = true;
default = "Google";
engines = {
"Google" = {
urls = [{
template = "";
params = [
{ name = "q"; value = "{searchTerms}"; }
definedAliases = [ "@g" ];
"NixPKGs" = {
urls = [{
template = "";
params = [
{ name = "type"; value = "packages"; }
{ name = "query"; value = "{searchTerms}"; }
icon = "${pkgs.nixos-icons}/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/nix-snowflake.svg";
definedAliases = [ "@pkgs" ];
commonSettings = {
"" = "${mainFont}";
"" = "${mainFont}";
"" = "${nerdFont}";
"general.autoScroll" = true;
"" = true;
"browser.uidensity" = 1;
"" = 3;
"extensions.pocket.enabled" = false;
"toolkit.legacyUserProfileCustomizations.stylesheets" = true;
"privacy.userContext.newTabContainerOnLeftClick.enabled" = true;
"privacy.clearOnShutdown.history" = false;
"privacy.clearOnShutdown.cookies" = false;
"browser.toolbars.bookmarks.visibility" = "never";
"media.hardware-video-decoding.force-enabled" = true;
"svg.context-properties.content.enabled" = true;
"toolkit.tabbox.switchByScrolling" = true;
"device.sensors.motion.enabled" = false;
"extensions.autoDisableScopes" = 0;
"gnomeTheme.hideSingleTab" = true;
"browser.contentblocking.category" = "strict";
"urlclassifier.trackingSkipURLs" = "*, *, *, *";
"urlclassifier.features.socialtracking.skipURLs" = "*, *, *";
"network.cookie.sameSite.noneRequiresSecure" = true;
"browser.helperApps.deleteTempFileOnExit" = true;
"privacy.globalprivacycontrol.enabled" = true;
"privacy.globalprivacycontrol.functionality.enabled" = true;
#"webgl.disabled" = false;
in {
enable = true;
package = pkgs.librewolf;
profiles = {
Jimbo = {
id = 0;
extensions = commonExtensions;
search = commonSearch;
settings = commonSettings;
userChrome = ''
School = {
id = 1;
extensions = commonExtensions;
search = commonSearch;
settings = commonSettings;
userChrome = ''
Misc = {
id = 2;
extensions = commonExtensions;
search = commonSearch;
settings = commonSettings;
containersForce = true;
containers = {
Google = { color = "green"; icon = "fingerprint"; id = 200; };
Seneca = { color = "red"; icon = "briefcase"; id = 201; };
# Enable a terminal emulator
programs.foot = {
enable = true;
server.enable = false;
settings = {
main = {
term = "xterm-256color";
font = "${nerdFont}:size=14.7";
cursor = {
style = "beam";
colors = {
alpha = "0.65";
background = "${darkCol}";
regular0 = "3f3f3f";
regular1 = "cc0000";
regular2 = "4e9a06";
regular3 = "c4a000";
regular4 = "94bff3";
regular5 = "85678f";
regular6 = "06989a";
regular7 = "dcdccc";
bright0 = "545454";
bright1 = "fc5454";
bright2 = "8ae234";
bright3 = "fce94f";
bright4 = "94bff3";
bright5 = "b294bb";
bright6 = "93e0e3";
bright7 = "ffffff";
key-bindings = {
search-start = "Control+f";
# Install Neovim and plugins
programs.neovim = {
enable = true;
defaultEditor = true;
viAlias = true;
vimAlias = true;
plugins = with pkgs.vimPlugins; [
# Vim theme
vim-airline vim-airline-themes
# Internal clipboard
vim-vsnip cmp-vsnip
# Autocomplete manager
# Autocomplete plugins
cmp-nvim-lsp cmp-buffer cmp-path cmp-cmdline nvim-cmp
# Hex color visualizer and color theme
nvim-colorizer-lua vim-monokai-pro
extraConfig = ''
lua <<EOF
-- Set up nvim-cmp
local cmp = require'cmp'
snippet = {
-- REQUIRED - you must specify a snippet engine
expand = function(args)
mapping = cmp.mapping.preset.insert({
['<C-b>'] = cmp.mapping.scroll_docs(-4),
['<C-f>'] = cmp.mapping.scroll_docs(4),
['<C-Space>'] = cmp.mapping.complete(),
['<C-e>'] = cmp.mapping.abort(),
['<CR>'] = cmp.mapping.confirm({ select = true }), -- Accept currently selected item. Set `select` to `false` to only confirm explicitly selected items.
sources = cmp.config.sources({
{ name = 'nvim_lsp' },
{ name = 'vsnip' }
}, {
{ name = 'buffer' },
-- Use buffer source for '/' and '?'
cmp.setup.cmdline({ '/', '?' }, {
mapping = cmp.mapping.preset.cmdline(),
sources = {
{ name = 'buffer' }
-- Use cmdline & path source for ':'
cmp.setup.cmdline(':', {
mapping = cmp.mapping.preset.cmdline(),
sources = cmp.config.sources({
{ name = 'path' }
}, {
{ name = 'cmdline' }
colorscheme monokai_pro
let g:airline_theme='onedark'
let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled = 1
hi Normal guibg=none ctermbg=235
hi Visual guibg=#${midCol} ctermbg=238
hi Pmenu guibg=#${midCol} ctermbg=238
hi EndOfBuffer guibg=none ctermbg=235
hi LineNr guibg=none ctermbg=none
lua require'colorizer'.setup()
set nu rnu
set termguicolors
set mouse=a
set undofile
set undodir=$HOME/.local/share/nvim/undo
set undolevels=100
set undoreload=10000
nmap <C-x> :bnext<CR>
nmap <C-z> :bprev<CR>
nmap <C-w> :bd<CR>
# Enable tmux
programs.tmux = {
enable = true;
extraConfig = ''
set -g mouse on
set -g base-index 1
set -g default-terminal "st-256color"
set -g history-limit 4096
set -g set-titles on
set -g set-titles-string "#T"
set -g status on
set -g status-left ""
set -g status-position bottom
set -g status-right "#[bg=brightblack]#[fg=dark_purple] #T "
set -g status-style "bg=black"
setw -g pane-base-index 1
setw -g window-status-format "#[bg=brightmagenta]#[fg=black] #I #[bg=brightblack]#[fg=white] #W "
setw -g window-status-current-format "#[bg=brightmagenta]#[fg=black] #I #[bg=white]#[fg=black] #W "
# Enable Ranger
programs.ranger = {
enable = true;
settings = {
preview_images = true;
preview_images_method = "sixel";
dirname_in_tabs = true;
cd_tab_fuzzy = true;
autosave_bookmarks = false;
show_hidden = true;
wrap_scroll = true;
column_ratios = "2,2,4";
hidden_filter = ''^\.|\.(?:pyc|pyo|bak|swp)$|^lost\+found$|^__(py)?cache__$'';
rifle = [
# Text editing
{ condition = ''ext xml|json|jsonc|m3u|m3u8|csv|tex|py|pl|rb|js|sh|php|nix''; command = ''vim -- "$@"''; }
# Media
{ condition = ''mime ^image, has imv, X, flag f''; command = ''imv -- "$@"''; }
{ condition = ''mime ^video, terminal, has mpv''; command = ''mpv -- "$@"''; }
{ condition = ''mime ^video, terminal, has mpv''; command = ''mpv --video-rotate=270 -- "$@"''; }
{ condition = ''mime ^audio|ogg$, terminal, has mpv''; command = ''mpv --no-audio-display -- "$@"''; }
{ condition = ''mime ^audio|ogg$, terminal, has mpv''; command = ''mpv --shuffle --no-audio-display -- "$@"''; }
{ condition = ''ext x?html?|pdf, has librewolf, X, flag f''; command = ''librewolf -- "$@"''; }
{ condition = ''ext pptx?|od[dfgpst]|docx?|sxc|xlsx?|xlt|xlw|gnm|gnumeric, has libreoffice, X, flag f''; command = ''libreoffice "$@"''; }
# Scripts
{ condition = ''sh''; command = ''sh -- "$1"''; }
{ condition = ''py''; command = ''python -- "$1"''; }
{ condition = ''pl''; command = ''perl -- "$1"''; }
{ condition = ''js''; command = ''node -- "$1"''; }
{ condition = ''php''; command = ''php -- "$1"''; }
# Misc
{ condition = ''ext exe|msi''; command = ''wine "$1"''; }
{ condition = ''ext 7z|ace|ar|arc|bz2?|cab|cpio|cpt|deb|dgc|dmg|gz|iso|jar|pkg|rar|shar|tar|tgz|xar|xpi|xz|zip, has 7z''; command = ''7z x -- "$@"''; }
{ condition = ''label open, has xdg-open''; command = ''xdg-open -- "$@"''; }
plugins = [
name = "devicons2";
src = builtins.fetchGit {
url = "";
rev = "9606009aa01743768b0f27de0a841f7d8fe196c5";
extraConfig = ''
default_linemode devicons2
# Enable Rofi
programs.rofi = {
enable = true;
package = pkgs.rofi-wayland;
terminal = "foot";
font = "${mainFont} 14";
theme = let
inherit (config.lib.formats.rasi) mkLiteral;
in {
"*" = {
lightbg = mkLiteral "#EEE8D5";
lightfg = mkLiteral "#586875";
blue = mkLiteral "#268BD2";
red = mkLiteral "#DC322F";
background-color = mkLiteral "#00000000";
separatorcolor = mkLiteral "#00000000";
normal-foreground = mkLiteral "#${textCol}";
normal-background = mkLiteral "#${darkCol}1A";
urgent-foreground = mkLiteral "#${urgentCol}";
active-foreground = mkLiteral "#${splitCol}";
selected-active-foreground = mkLiteral "#${primeCol}";
background = mkLiteral "#${darkCol}B3";
bordercolor = mkLiteral "#${primeCol}";
selected-normal-foreground = mkLiteral "#FFFFFF";
selected-normal-background = mkLiteral "#${primeCol}80";
border-color = mkLiteral "#${primeCol}";
urgent-background = mkLiteral "#${accentCol}26";
active-background = mkLiteral "#${accentCol}26";
selected-active-background = mkLiteral "#${splitCol}54";
"#window" = {
background-color = mkLiteral "@background";
width = 500;
border = mkLiteral "${borderWeight}";
padding = 5;
"#message" = {
border = mkLiteral "1px dash 0px 0px";
border-color = mkLiteral "@separatorcolor";
padding = 1;
"#textbox" = {
text-color = mkLiteral "@normal-foreground";
"#listview" = {
fixed-height = 0;
border-color = mkLiteral "@separatorcolor";
scrollbar = mkLiteral "false";
columns = 2;
"#element" = {
border = 0;
padding = 1;
"#element-text" = {
background-color = mkLiteral "inherit";
text-color = mkLiteral "inherit";
"#element.normal.normal" = {
text-color = mkLiteral "@normal-foreground";
"#element.normal.urgent" = {
text-color = mkLiteral "@urgent-foreground";
"" = {
background-color = mkLiteral "@active-background";
text-color = mkLiteral "@active-foreground";
"#element.selected.normal" = {
background-color = mkLiteral "@selected-normal-background";
text-color = mkLiteral "@selected-normal-foreground";
"#element.selected.urgent" = {
background-color = mkLiteral "@urgent-background";
text-color = mkLiteral "@urgent-foreground";
"" = {
background-color = mkLiteral "@selected-active-background";
text-color = mkLiteral "@selected-active-foreground";
"#element.alternate.normal" = {
text-color = mkLiteral "@normal-foreground";
"#element.alternate.urgent" = {
text-color = mkLiteral "@urgent-foreground";
"" = {
background-color = mkLiteral "@active-background";
text-color = mkLiteral "@active-foreground";
"#mode-switcher" = {
border = mkLiteral "2px dash 0px 0px";
border-color = mkLiteral "@separatorcolor";
"#button.selected" = {
background-color = mkLiteral "@selected-normal-background";
text-color = mkLiteral "@selected-normal-foreground";
"#case-indicator" = {
spacing = mkLiteral "0";
text-color = mkLiteral "@normal-foreground";
"#entry" = {
spacing = 0;
text-color = mkLiteral "@normal-foreground";
"#prompt" = {
spacing = 0;
text-color = mkLiteral "@normal-foreground";
"#inputbar" = {
spacing = 0;
text-color = mkLiteral "@normal-foreground";
padding = 1;
children = map mkLiteral [ "prompt" "textbox-prompt-colon" "entry" ];
"#textbox-prompt-colon" = {
expand = false;
str = ":";
margin = mkLiteral "0px 0.3em 0em 0em";
text-color = mkLiteral "@normal-foreground";
# MPV settings
programs.mpv = {
enable = true;
config = {
volume = 55;
loop-playlist = "inf";
osc = "no";
# OBS with plugins
programs.obs-studio = {
enable = true;
plugins = with pkgs.obs-studio-plugins; [
obs-pipewire-audio-capture obs-webkitgtk
obs-multi-rtmp obs-vkcapture obs-tuna
# Notification daemon
services.mako = {
enable = true;
borderColor = "#${accentCol}";
backgroundColor = "#${darkCol}CC";
output = "${display1}";
sort = "+time";
layer = "overlay";
padding = "8";
margin = "0";
borderSize = borderWeightInt;
maxIconSize = 40;
defaultTimeout = 6000;
font = "${mainFont} 12";
anchor = "bottom-right";
extraConfig = "on-button-right=dismiss-all\nouter-margin=10\n[mode=do-not-disturb]\ninvisible=1";
# Mangohud
programs.mangohud = {
enable = true;
settings = {
table_columns = 2;
frametime = 0;
legacy_layout = 0;
font_scale = 0.80;
background_alpha = 0.25;
exec = ''echo $(echo $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP | sed 's/./\U&/') on $(cat /etc/os-release | grep PRETTY_NAME | cut -d '"' -f 2)'';
fps = true;
fps_color_change = true;
ram = true;
vram = true;
cpu_stats = true;
cpu_load_change = true;
gpu_stats = true;
gpu_load_change = true;
frame_timing = true;
# Enable Discord Music RPC
services.mpd-discord-rpc.enable = true;
# Enable NCMPCPP
programs.ncmpcpp = {
enable = true;
settings = {
browser_sort_mode = "name";
user_interface = "alternative";
# Automount with udisk2
services.udiskie.enable = true;
# Start defining arbitrary files
home.file = {
# Cursor icon theme
".icons/default".source = "${pkgs.simp1e-cursors}/share/icons/Simp1e-Dark";
# Swappy's config
".config/swappy/config".text = swappyConfig;
# Easyeffects profile
".config/easyeffects/output/JimHeadphones.json".text = easyEffectsProfile;
# Fastfetch config
".config/fastfetch/config.jsonc".text = neoConf;
# PCManFM config
".config/pcmanfm-qt/default/settings.conf".text = pcmanConf;
# Ranger config
".local/share/ranger/bookmarks".text = rangerBookmarks;
# Gnome theme
".mozilla/firefox/Misc/chrome".source = "${fetchTarball {
url = "";
sha256 = "14x0vp66i8b14q6c9n75sa88fcwy9jd9lik8sjnab2rnwlskvq9h";
# Symlinks
".librewolf".source = config.lib.file.mkOutOfStoreSymlink "/home/jimbo/.mozilla/firefox";
"VMs".source = config.lib.file.mkOutOfStoreSymlink "/etc/libvirt/VMs";
# Alsoft config
".alsoftrc".text = alsoftConf;
# Define session variables
home.sessionVariables = {
EDITOR = "nvim";
LIBVIRT_DEFAULT_URI = "qemu:///system";
HISTCONTROL = "ignoreboth";
# Shell aliases
programs.zsh = {
enable = true;
autosuggestion.enable = true;
syntaxHighlighting.enable = true;
initExtra = ''
${pkgs.any-nix-shell}/bin/any-nix-shell zsh --info-right | source /dev/stdin; pfetch
oh-my-zsh = {
enable = true;
plugins = [ "git" ];
theme = "agnoster"; # Main PC
#theme = "risto"; # Secondary/VM
#theme = "half-life"; # Server
shellAliases = {
# NixOS aliases
nixcfg = "nvim /etc/nixos/{configuration,jimbo,hardware-configuration}.nix";
nixswitch = "${auth} nixos-rebuild switch; notify-send 'NixOS switch finished.'";
nixdate = "${auth} nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade-all; notify-send 'NixOS update finished.'";
nixclean = "${auth} nix-store --gc; nix-collect-garbage -d; notify-send 'NixOS store clean finished.'";
nixpurge = "${auth} nix-collect-garbage --delete-old; notify-send 'NixOS generation removed.'";
nixoptimize = "${auth} nix store optimise; notify-send 'NixOS store optimization finished.'";
# Shortcut aliases
neo = "clear && fastfetch";
ip = "ip -c";
ls = "${pkgs.eza}/bin/eza -a --color=always --group-directories-first --icons";
nls = "/usr/bin/env ls";
cat = "${pkgs.bat}/bin/bat --paging never";
ncat = "/usr/bin/env cat";
copycat = "wl-copy <";
sunshinehost = "WAYLAND_DISPLAY=wayland-1 DISPLAY=:1 sunshine -0";
seneca = "ssh";
# Curl tools
myip = "curl";
# Download from sources
ytdl = "yt-dlp --embed-thumbnail --embed-metadata --output \"%(title)s.%(ext)s\"";
ytmp4 = "ytdl --recode-video webm";
ytm3u = "yt-dlp -gS proto:m3u8";
opusdl = "ytdl --recode-video opus";
ytopus = "opusdl --format 251";
spotdl = "spotdl --m3u --format opus";
# Flakes
buildiso =
"${pkgs.nixos-generators}/bin/nixos-generate -f install-iso -c /home/jimbo/Downloads/NixISO/configuration.nix";
# Define current version
home.stateVersion = "24.05";