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# Sway Superdow Manager Hotkeys
## Application Launchers
| Key Combination | Action |
| Super + F1 | Launch **LibreWolf** (Jim profile) |
| Super + F2 | Launch **LibreWolf** (Alt profile) |
| Super + F3 | Launch **LibreWolf** (Misc profile) |
| Super + F4 | Launch **Virt-Manager** |
| Super + F5 | Launch **Looking Glass** |
## Superdow Management
| Key Combination | Action |
| Super + Arrows | Focus in the specified direction |
| Super + Shift + Arrows | Move window in the specified direction |
| Super + Shift + Space | Toggle window floating |
| Super + Space | Switch focus between floating/tiled |
| Super + Shift + 1-9 | Move window to a workspace and focus |
| Super + 1-9 | Switch to specified workspace |
| Super + 0 | Pin window and toggle border |
| Super + F | Toggle fullscreen |
| Super + Shift + R | Reload configuration |
| Super + Q | Close the current window |
## Layout Management
| Key Combination | Action |
| Super + W | Toggle split layout |
| Super + E | Toggle tabbed/stacking layout |
| Super + H/V | Split window horizontally/vertically |
| Super + A/D | Focus parent/child container |
## Volume and Media Controls
| Key Combination | Action |
| Alt + J | Lower system volume |
| Alt + K | Raise system volume |
| Alt + M | Mute/unmute audio |
| Super + Backslash | Toggle media playback |
| Alt + Shift + H | Skip to the next track |
| Alt + Shift + L | Go to the previous track |
## Screenshot and Brightness Controls
| Key Combination | Action |
| Alt + F | Take a screenshot |
| Alt + Shift + F | Screenshot of the current screen |
| Alt + Ctrl + F | Screenshot of the current window |
| Super + = | Brightness up |
| Super + - | Brightness down |
## Scratchpads
| Key Combination | Action |
| Super + Shift + Backslash | Open **Btop** (monitoring) |
| Super + Shift + M | Open **Music** scratchpad |
| Super + Shift + V | Open **Sound Settings** scratchpad |
## Special Sway Tools
| Key Combination | Action |
| Super + Escape | **Kill** selected window |
| Super + Ctrl + X | **Inspect** window properties |
## Miscellaneous
| Key Combination | Action |
| Super + Return | Open **Foot terminal** |
| Super + S | Open **Rofi** (run commands) |
| Super + C | Open **Clipman** (clipboard manager) |
| Super + X | Open **Power Menu** |
| Super + B | Toggle **Waybar** |
| Super + Ctrl + S | Open **Rofi Scratchpads** |
| Super + Ctrl + X | Open **Rofi Power Menu** |
## Workspaces
| Key Combination | Action |
| Super + 1-9 | Switch to workspace |
| Super + Shift + 1-9 | Move window to workspace and focus |
| Alt + F1-F9 | Switch to alternate workspace |
| Alt + Shift + F1-F9 | Move window to alt workspace and focus |